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- Price Smart, Brand Strong
Today’s blog is inspired by a wonderful bookkeeper, whom I’ll refer to as Diane. She emailed me with a question about pricing, a critical topic for any thriving practice. When I say “thriving,” I don’t mean being busy. Too often, I hear bookkeepers talk about how busy they are, but when I dig deeper, I don’t see the income, time, purpose, or joy they truly desire. Pricing is one of the key pillars of success, and Diane’s question gives me a fresh lens to revisit this important topic. Over the years, I’ve had countless conversations and engaged in continuous learning about pricing, but it didn’t come naturally to me. It took years before I fully understood and implemented effective strategies. That’s normal—learning isn’t instant. It requires hearing, accepting, understanding, and then acting. This blog post allows me to share my thoughts on pricing through a new perspective, thanks to Diane. My goal is to provide insights and actionable steps that will help you achieve your goals—whether it’s increasing your income, reclaiming time, or finding joy and purpose in your work. I know these strategies work because they’ve been transformational for me. For context, one of my biggest breakthroughs came in 2015 when I shifted from hourly to fixed pricing, doubling my net profits in a year. Since then, I’ve refined my approach and introduced the concept of “outcome billing” to the bookkeeping industry. It’s something I’m deeply proud of, and I want to empower you to embrace and implement it too. Now, onto today’s topic. So Diane is actually a bookkeeper from Australia who works in a regional area, and is curious about how pricing might differ in her location . She pointed out that wages, housing costs, and other expenses tend to be lower in her region, and she wonders whether she should adjust her rates accordingly. Specifically, Diane asked if charging $95 per hour is appropriate for her area. If you haven’t already, I recommend listening to my podcast series on pricing, Pricing for Profit and Joy ( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ), which follows another episode called Plan for Success . You’ll find those episodes valuable, as they go into depth about effective pricing strategies. However, you’re welcome to continue with this blog post first and circle back to those later. Diane’s question about pricing in regional areas is an excellent one and mirrors something I’ve pondered myself over the years. I’ve had my bookkeeping practice for 15 years, and I live in what could be considered a regional area—the Gold Coast. While it’s developed significantly, back when I started, it was still very much a regional location. I often questioned whether the rates charged in larger cities like Sydney were realistic for someone in a smaller or less urbanized area. The short answer to Diane’s question—whether she should charge the same as bookkeepers in other areas—is yes. And here’s why: Pricing isn’t just about where you live or work; it’s about the value you bring and the outcomes you deliver for your clients. When you charge by the hour, you inherently set your clients up to focus on cost. It doesn’t matter if your rate is $5 or $1,000 an hour—hourly billing conditions clients to fixate on price instead of results. That’s why I advise against charging by the hour altogether. Hourly billing is a broken model that leads to busy practices without true income, time wealth, purpose, or joy. The statistics back this up: nine out of ten bookkeepers who rely on hourly billing fail to thrive. Instead, I advocate for outcome-based pricing , which shifts the focus from time spent to the value delivered. For example, Diane mentioned charging $95 per hour. To clarify, this is essentially a “keep your business alive” rate. In Australia, as of September 2024, $95 to $100 per hour is the minimum rate you should be charging if you want your business to be sustainable. This rate ensures you earn at least what you could in a well-paying job while covering the costs of running your practice. If you’re charging less than this, your business may already be “sick,” even if you don’t realize it yet. It might seem like you’re busy and growing, but without a sustainable pricing model, your income and time wealth will eventually stagnate. To take this further, let’s talk about the importance of having a robust pricing calculator . Whether you create your own or access one through a program like mine, it’s non-negotiable. A pricing calculator helps you determine your minimum viable rate and set fees that reflect the true value of your services. If you’re not using a structured approach to pricing, you’re flying blind. I’ll give you an example. One of our program members, Karen Andrews, runs an exceptionally successful bookkeeping practice. Even with her solid systems in place, she found our pricing calculator to be a game-changer. She shared that it outperformed her own methods and provided valuable insights she hadn’t considered. This tool isn’t just about setting rates—it’s about understanding the economics of your business and ensuring its health and sustainability. Now, let’s revisit Diane’s question about regional pricing. It seems she’s primarily focused on working with clients in her immediate area. My advice? Don’t limit yourself geographically. In professional services like bookkeeping, especially in today’s remote-first world, you have the flexibility to serve clients across the country—or even globally. Limiting yourself to a regional client base can be restrictive and unnecessary. Unlike tradespeople, who are confined to their local areas, you have the tools and technology to reach clients wherever they are. Whether you’re based in a small town or a major city, your pricing should reflect the value you bring , not the cost of living in your area. Remember, clients don’t buy what you do—they buy the results you deliver. Bookkeeping isn’t just about balancing the books; it’s the foundation of business success. Accurate, up-to-date bookkeeping gives entrepreneurs the clarity they need to make informed decisions about their profit, cash flow, and overall business health. This brings us to a critical mindset shift: understanding the why behind your services. Entrepreneurs don’t hire bookkeepers for bookkeeping’s sake—they hire you because they want to achieve something greater. Bookkeeping is the vehicle that helps them reach their destination: a thriving, successful business . When clients come to you, they’re not buying your services; they’re buying the outcomes those services enable. Let’s think of bookkeeping as the journey and the destination as “better in business.” Entrepreneurs don’t wake up thinking, “I can’t wait to pay for bookkeeping today!” Instead, they’re focused on improving their income, cash flow, time management, and peace of mind. Your job is to position yourself as the gateway to those outcomes, making it clear that bookkeeping is just one step toward their ultimate goals. This mindset shift is transformative, and it’s one that many bookkeepers struggle with. Most focus too much on the “what” of their work—the features and functions—without considering the “why.” But when you frame your services around the impact they have on your clients’ success, you’ll find it much easier to command premium rates and differentiate yourself in the market. Let me emphasize: you are not trading time for money. You’re solving problems, and your expertise, education, certifications, and intellectual property are part of that solution. The value you bring goes far beyond the hours you spend on the job. Now, let’s address a common obstacle: the employee mindset . Many bookkeepers, especially those transitioning from employment to running their own practice, struggle with this. They tend to view their work through the lens of time-for-money transactions because that’s how they’ve always been compensated. But as an entrepreneur, this mindset will hold you back. You’re not an employee anymore—you’re a business owner. That means shifting your focus from “how much time will this take?” to “what problems am I solving, and what outcomes am I delivering?” Recognizing this is a pivotal step in building a thriving practice. Here’s an exercise for you: Write down this mantra and repeat it until it sticks—I am solving problems, not trading time for money. Your solutions draw on your experience, skills, certifications, intellectual property, and time, but the value lies in the problems you solve and the outcomes you create. This shift in perspective will not only transform the way you approach pricing but also how you position your business. Let me take this moment to remind you of something crucial: people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. The bookkeeping itself is just a means to an end. When you focus on the value and results of your services, you’ll see your clients start to value them too. So, if Diane—or anyone else—feels hesitant about charging $95 or more per hour, I’d encourage them to reframe the conversation entirely. Don’t sell hours or bookkeeping. Sell the outcomes, the peace of mind, and the success you deliver. That’s what clients truly care about. To wrap up, let’s circle back to Diane’s question about pricing in regional areas. The short answer remains: yes, you absolutely can—and should—charge rates consistent with those in larger cities or other regions. But even more importantly, move away from hourly billing altogether. Adopt an outcome-based pricing model that reflects the true value of the solutions you provide. This shift will position you to build a thriving, sustainable practice. I also encourage Diane—and all of you—to think bigger than your immediate geographical location. In today’s world, bookkeeping is a remote-friendly profession. By broadening your client base to a national or even global scale, you can unlock opportunities that wouldn’t exist if you restricted yourself to a regional area. The potential is there; you just need to tap into it. Finally, remember that you are in the business of solving problems. Your work empowers entrepreneurs to succeed, and that’s something worth charging a premium for. By focusing on outcomes and embracing your role as a strategic partner in your clients’ success, you’ll create a practice that delivers income, time, purpose, and joy —not just for you, but for your clients as well. So, my lovely bookkeepers, take action. Whether that’s creating a pricing calculator, shifting to outcome-based billing, or expanding your client base, start today. And if you need guidance, resources, or support, my book , podcast , and program are here to help.
- When is the ideal time to work with me
We are very close to opening the doors to the Transformation Program once again! This happens just three times a year, so it’s a special time of the season, so to speak, when I don’t mind sharing a little more about the program. I recently received an email from a bookkeeper with a fantastic question. While I’ve addressed similar queries before, her phrasing, combined with everything I’ve learned from our program members, inspired me to write this post. The question reads: "At what point would it be wise to join the tribe? Should I wait a year or two to establish myself, or could I gain a lot by starting with the program right off the bat?" We’ll dive into this today. So, to answer the question—should I wait a year or two to establish myself before joining the Transformation Program, or should I start right off the bat?—the answer is absolutely, 100%, start right off the bat. Let me explain why this is so important. To do that, I’ll refer to the Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint I created. This bookkeeper mentioned being curious because the program seems geared toward established bookkeepers. But let me assure you, it is equally suited to those starting out. When I first built the program, I had this incredible 10-square-metre whiteboard that covered an entire wall of my office. I began by mapping out what I call my "secret sauce recipe", which consists of seven key ingredients: brand, menu, attraction, conversion, succession, systems, and team. I also identified five critical components needed to make it all work: team, education, assets, implementation, and support. At the time, I thought about two groups of bookkeepers. First, the bookkeeper in practice—because I could relate to their struggles, particularly during my first five years, which I call my “f*ck-up years” in my book . I thought about all the time, money, and energy wasted during that phase and how much easier it would have been if I had a clear roadmap . Then I reflected on what I needed back then. I paid a lot of money for a licensed membership, which was popular here in Australia and gaining traction globally. While I got something out of it, it ultimately missed the mark. That realization is what shaped the Blueprint and the seven ingredients. These ingredients weren’t just about creating success in my practice but about maintaining it and making it unshakeable and unbreakable. I then thought about the startup phase—right at the beginning of the journey. For so many bookkeepers, the first steps are filled with uncertainty. Like most people, I did everything myself, from hiring suppliers to building systems. But it was a constant trial-and-error process: giving money, making mistakes, and repeating the cycle until I figured out what worked. If someone had shown up back then with a dream team —experts who knew what they were doing—I can’t tell you how much time, money, and heartache it would have saved me. Imagine starting with the right education, done-for-you assets like social media templates, a signature brochure, and a strategic website that functions like a sales machine. Imagine having an entire suite of digital assets that gave you a competitive advantage and a unique selling proposition. Now, add to that someone who holds your hand through the implementation phase, ensuring you follow each step, redirecting you if needed, and troubleshooting issues like missed nuances in the seven-step process. And finally, having ongoing support —access to a mastermind group of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey. This is the essence of what the program provides. It’s designed to help you avoid the pitfalls, whether you’re in startup or already in practice. The first few years can be challenging; even years later, many bookkeepers tell me the dream hasn’t become a reality. The income, the time, the lifestyle—it doesn’t just magically fall into place. I wanted to create something that served two purposes: to help startup bookkeepers build what I call a Ferrari practice, and to assist established bookkeepers in renovating their practices. The latter is what I often describe as “fixing the car while it’s speeding down the highway.” So, why should you join at the beginning of your journey? Let’s dive deeper. I often refer to the Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint Mind Map to explain this. In recent podcasts , I covered key topics from this: one was Plan for Success, and three others focused on Pricing for Profit and Joy. In those pricing episodes, I provided examples of what most bookkeepers do when a prospective client (PC) knocks on the door. Then, I compared that with what I do—and teach you to do—inside the program. The profitability gap is significant. For a startup bookkeeper, or even for someone already in practice, the problem is often that you don’t know what you don’t know. If you start your practice without having the essentials in the Blueprint nailed down, especially the foundations, you’ll likely fall into common traps. You’ll find clients, think, “Yay, revenue!” and assume it will eventually turn into profit. But, as I’ve seen time and again, that’s not what happens. For example, in those pricing episodes, I talked about how a bookkeeper without the right tools and knowledge will often undervalue their work. Let’s say you onboard a client for $6,000 a year. Without the products and pricing ecosystem I teach, your profitability could end up being half of that—or less. Meanwhile, one of our tribe members used the program to increase her profit by $3,000 on just one client simply by applying what she learned. In another example, a bookkeeper told me she was charging $180 an hour, which sounds amazing on the surface. But after breaking it down, her annual profit from that client was just $500. Using the smart, strategic pricing taught in the program, that same client could generate $5,000 in annual profit. That’s the difference between struggling and thriving. The left-hand side of the Blueprint Mind Map—which covers foundations, products and pricing, the product ladder, and the conversion process—is critical. Without those elements nailed down, it’s nearly impossible to build a sustainable, scalable business. This is why so many bookkeepers—and entrepreneurs generally—end up in the nine out of ten who never quite get there. They struggle to thrive and often earn less than they would in a good job. For instance, in one of those pricing episodes, I shared how most bookkeepers, without the proper framework, onboard clients at rates that leave them overworked and underpaid. A prospective client (PC) might knock on your door, needing about an hour and a quarter of work weekly. Without a clear pricing strategy, you might charge them based on hourly rates, thinking it’s profitable. But here’s the catch: unless you have a well-structured products and pricing ecosystem , you’ll likely end up undervaluing your services. Inside the program, I teach you to approach pricing differently. Instead of an hourly rate, I show you how to implement a smart, simple suite of products, paired with a robust pricing strategy that incorporates advisory services . This ensures you’re maximizing the profitability of every client. For example, where a typical bookkeeper might profit $500 a year from a client, my system helps you generate $5,000 annually for the same client. This difference is not an exception—it’s the standard when you use the Blueprint effectively. It’s the key to transforming your practice. If you’ve missed the earlier podcast episodes on pricing, I encourage you to go back and listen. So, when I responded to the bookkeeper who emailed me, I sent her a private audio clip and said: “Oh my goodness, you should join before you ever start!” Why? Because even your first client could cover the cost of the program if you onboard them using the strategies we teach. If you’re already in practice, the process is similar, but we also address legacy issues. Once you’ve brought on multiple clients—whether it’s 5, 10, or more—it becomes harder to overhaul your systems and pricing. But that’s exactly what we help you do. For example, in one of the pricing episodes, I shared a story about a tribe member who doubled all her rates over the course of a year. This wasn’t a quick fix; it was a strategic plan we executed together. She had a legacy client base with outdated rates, and we worked step by step to bring her practice into alignment with the products and pricing ecosystem. By the end of the process, her profitability transformed, and her practice became significantly more sustainable. There’s so much more I could share to answer the question of whether you should join the program at the beginning of your journey or wait until you’re established. But ultimately, the answer remains the same: join early. When you’re just starting out, the Transformation Program equips you with the tools, assets, and support to build a strong, sustainable foundation from day one. The program is built around a done-for-you and done-with-you approach. It gives you access to the Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint, a proven system that helps you work smart rather than hard. If you can start with this framework in place, you’ll be far ahead of the curve—avoiding common mistakes and accelerating your path to success. For those who are already established, the program helps you renovate your practice. We call it “fixing the car while it’s speeding down the highway.” It’s challenging, yes, but it’s also incredibly rewarding when you see the transformation in your income, time, and overall quality of life. For anyone still on the fence, I encourage you to grab the Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint. Print it out, keep it on your desk, and use it as your guide. This framework has helped countless bookkeepers turn their dreams into reality, moving from overwhelmed and overworked to thriving, confident entrepreneurs. Remember, nine out of ten bookkeepers never achieve the dream they set out to create. But with the right tools, mindset, and support, you can be part of the one out of ten who do. So, my advice is simple: if you’re wondering whether to wait or to join early, please join before you onboard your first client. It’s the fastest, smartest way to build a successful practice.
- Productise to Profit: Transforming Your Bookkeeping Service
As bookkeepers, we often find ourselves caught up in the grind of daily tasks, trading hours for dollars, and struggling to convey the true value of our services. But what if there was a way to revolutionise your practice, double your profits, and create raving fans out of your clients? In this blog post based on a recent episode of The Strategic Bookkeeper Podcast , I’ll guide you through the concept of productising your bookkeeping service . You’ll learn what productisation means, why it’s essential, and how it can unlock new levels of profitability and client satisfaction. With practical insights and real-life examples, you’ll discover how to build a thriving, profitable practice, delight your clients, and, most importantly, live your dream on your terms. Today's episode is called Productise to Profit: Transforming Your Bookkeeping Service. Oh my goodness, I love that title. ChatGPT helped me with that title. A little warning about using AI in your business: you need to learn how to use it, not just what to use it for. Put "HI", which stands for human intelligence, before artificial intelligence. However, when you learn to train an AI like ChatGPT—pay for it and actually train it in all things brand-related (which you've got my book for)—then it can become an amazing junior copywriting assistant. If you haven't heard me say it before: absolutely, tech can be team. So, just going back, Productise to Profit. We're going to dive into that and I'm absolutely going to explain how productising will help you with profit and transform your bookkeeping service. It might double your profit, but it will 10x your client satisfaction. And they are the first two steps to getting the privilege of the income and the time that I call your dream on your terms. So, What is a product when it comes to bookkeeping? At the time of writing this, I am going through the manuscript of my second book for bookkeepers. Maybe by the time you listen to this, it’s already been published. I love writing; I put my heart and soul into my books. The two books I’ve written for bookkeepers— The Strategic Bookkeeper and this particular book, whose title I can’t tell you yet (it’s top secret)—are both how-to guides. When I write these books, what is front of mind is helping you implement. I’m thinking about sharing information—education and knowledge—and as much as possible, I want to give you tools like models and images that you can use. I want to help you look at where you are right now, what mistakes you might be making, what you don’t know, and then guide you on what exactly you need to do. When I say "exactly," I do my best to make it simple, especially as a trainer and assessor, so that it’s something you can actually implement. Right now, I’m going through my chapter on products and pricing. I’m editing, assessing its value, and thinking about you as a bookkeeper. I’m thinking about myself at the beginning of my journey and asking, If I were reading this, would I fully understand it? How can I make it easier to understand? This led me to reflect on a question an entrepreneur asked me yesterday. He mentioned listening to Glen Carlson—one of the founders of the Key Person of Influence program, which I’ve done and found extraordinary. During that program, I learned a lot about the concept of productising services like bookkeeping. I often sing the praises of the Key Person of Influence formula and the books written by Daniel Priestley. And this entrepreneur had found an article online by Glen Carlson about productising, and asked me to explain it further. I’ve done quite a few blogs and podcasts on pricing, but here, I just want to focus on what it means to productise—the what, why, and how. I’ll keep it simple and relate it to my experiences inside the Tribe, hoping to give you a lightbulb moment like I had back in 2015. At that time, peers were telling me to move from hourly billing to fixed pricing. I didn’t get it; I wasn’t convinced. Then someone gave me the lightbulb moment that changed everything. Afterward, I doubled my net profits in a year and massively increased client satisfaction. That was the final piece of the puzzle that allowed me to live my dream on my terms. If you’ve read The Strategic Bookkeeper , you’ll know it took me about five years to build my lifestyle practice. This productisation was the last piece of the puzzle. It has since evolved into what I now call outcome billing. Glen Carlson describes productisation as partly selling the outcome, and I want to dive deeper into that now. Building a thriving practice, delighting your clients, and living your dream on your terms—these are linear steps. The first thing you need to do is fix your practice, which is what productising your services and pricing correctly will allow you to do. Before I fixed this, my revenue was increasing, my team was growing, but my profit wasn’t keeping up with the revenue growth. Client satisfaction was okay, but they weren’t raving fans. The issue was the broken products and pricing model. Hourly billing was a big part of the problem. When we think we’re just using time to solve a problem, we’re actually using a whole ecosystem of skills, values, and experience. You’re not just trading time for money. Think about what makes you different from an 18-year-old fresh out of high school. You have time, but you also, you have your entire experience, skills, personality, values, and beliefs. These are part of the ecosystem you bring to your clients, even if you’re not consciously aware of it yet. When I fixed this issue, my practice profit increased, which meant I built a thriving practice. It felt amazing. When you get your products and pricing right—even if it’s your first version—your clients move away from being cost-focused. Hourly billing is problematic, but so is charging for what you do without connecting it to the why and the outcome. Let’s revisit Glen Carlson’s concept: When we productise, we take an outcome and attach a fee to it. Inside that product is a mix of features and functions, some of which we might list and some we might not. These elements contribute to helping the client achieve the outcome. When you start getting this right, it’s transformative. Here’s what happened to me: We moved to a fixed-price billing model. Within 48 hours, I transitioned all my clients from hourly billing to fixed pricing. Within months, I noticed something remarkable—client satisfaction skyrocketed. To me, we were delivering the same service, but my profitability doubled within a year, and client satisfaction went up tenfold. This process is part of building a rock-solid, thriving practice. If you’ve been following my content, you know about my Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint. (If you don’t already have a copy, shoot me an email at hello@thestrategicbookkeeper.global, and my team or I will send it to you). When you build or elevate your practice according to the blueprint, and you get your products and pricing nailed, you’ll achieve two things: a profitable practice and sky-high client satisfaction. These are the first two steps to achieving what I call the privilege of my dream on my terms—a six-figure income with abundant time wealth. Let’s now focus on the why. Trust me now, believe me later: you must productise. It will become one of the cornerstones of your bookkeeping practice. At the time of writing this post, I recently hosted the TSB Success Panel where I interviewed seven members of my Transformation Program. During this panel, you’ll hear from several members about the incredible impact of products and pricing. For example, one member went from living off savings to earning a six-figure income within a year. Another member doubled her rates and retained almost all her clients, gaining $90,000 in additional revenue from her existing client base. Let’s go back to what productisation is by comparing what it’s not to what it is . What it’s not is selling your service. For example, a chiropractor might offer a chiropractic adjustment for a certain fee, or a bookkeeper might promise to handle all bookkeeping features and functions for a specific price—whether hourly or fixed rate. Even fixed pricing, while better than hourly billing, can still fall short if you’re only selling features and functions. When you focus solely on features and functions, you’re selling the long-haul flight, not the destination. Productisation, on the other hand, is about understanding the destination your clients want to reach. For most entrepreneurs, that destination can be summed up as "better in business." They want to increase profit, cash flow, and time wealth—all the things you’re likely trying to achieve in your business as well. To help your clients reach this destination, their books need to be in order. Think of bookkeeping as the flight to their destination. If all you offer is compliance (getting the numbers up to date and lodged), you’re leaving them stuck in the air, unable to land at their destination. To take them all the way, you need to understand their vision and the role your services play in achieving it. This is where brand comes into play. The foundation of your brand is understanding the destination your clients want to reach. Your vision is the North Star for your clients, and your mission is how you’ll get them there. Without a strong brand foundation, nine out of ten bookkeepers end up selling the flight, not the destination. When you truly understand your clients, you can shift from selling services to offering productised solutions. Instead of focusing on features and functions, you talk about outcomes. For example, when doing a needs analysis or diagnostics tool, you lead with why. You start with the destination—what your clients want to achieve—and build from there. Here’s how this works in my business: We start with a million-dollar storybook brochure and a video sales letter that highlight the outcomes we deliver. We talk about Paris—their ultimate goal—80% of the time. The remaining 20% is spent on the flight, which is the features and functions of our services. Our productised services package contains all the features, benefits, and outcomes, bundled into a beautiful "box" with a fee attached. This box includes high-value intellectual property, such as tools and training, that enhances the client experience. For example, we offer clients access to our Better in Business Podcast, a Business Fundamentals Training session, and an annual 90-minute planning session to help them achieve clarity. Alongside traditional bookkeeping features like bank reconciliations, we also highlight benefits such as 24/7 team access and guaranteed response times. This mix of features, benefits, and outcomes ensures clients see the value of the investment they’re making. So, our productised service is a document containing all the features, benefits, outcomes, and value bundled into one package. Most importantly, it emphasizes the outcome the client desires. This approach allows us to attach a fee that feels like an investment—because it is an investment. Working together means going beyond basic bookkeeping. It involves investigating the numbers, doing strategic bookkeeping, solving problems through diagnostics, and providing advisory services. This is what productising your service looks like, and it’s how you build a thriving practice, delight your clients, and live your dream on your terms. To illustrate, let’s talk about one of the success stories shared during our panel. Karen Thomson joined our program while living off her savings. Twelve months later, she was earning a six-figure income. By nailing her productised services, she found that 90% of inquiries couldn’t press "go" fast enough, even when she had a 12-week waitlist and her fees were double those of other bookkeepers. This is what happens when you get your clients excited about Paris rather than expecting them to stay loyal simply because they’re on a long-haul flight. A productised service is about clearly understanding the outcomes your prospective clients want, showcasing how you’ll help them get there, and bundling this value into a package with a clear fee. It’s about selling the destination and making the journey so valuable that clients view it as an essential investment in their success. Now, let’s connect this to myself at the start of my journey. Fifteen years ago, I was sitting in a little basement area of my home on the Gold Coast, full of dreams but also a lot of naivety. If I had listened read this blog back then, I probably would’ve needed to re-read it a few times. I would’ve grabbed The Strategic Bookkeeper book , gone back to the podcast episodes on planning and pricing, and listened to the TSB Success Panel. I would’ve looked at my practice and tried to figure out how to implement all of this. Implementation is critical, and that’s why I created the Strategic Bookkeeper Transformation Program and the Pricing Academy. These resources are designed to help bookkeepers avoid the common pitfalls I faced in those early years. If I hadn’t had a main breadwinner in my household, I’m not sure how I would’ve made it through that challenging five-year period. That’s why I want to help you. Whether you’re at the start of your journey or 40 years in like Deb, one of our success panelists, this program is for you. Deb, an incredibly skilled bookkeeper, was ready to give up after 40 years, but our program was her last attempt—and it transformed her practice. You’ll also hear about Jen, who achieved remarkable success within seven months of joining. The program has helped bookkeepers at all stages, and it always pays for itself. If you’re not ready for the full program, you can start with the standalone Pricing Academy or use the free content available through this podcast and others. That said, when you invest in the program, you maximise your opportunities and avoid mistakes that cost time, profit, and client satisfaction. Even if you’re just starting to get things right, working together gives you the best chance to succeed. That’s what I wanted to connect back to—my early journey and your options for implementation.
- The Small But Mighty Blueprint
In today's blog, I am publishing the recent workshop that I ran called The Small but Mighty Blueprint. This workshop is designed for you to workshop everything I teach and provide, with the goal of helping you achieve a result. That’s the purpose of the workshop. I’m a trainer and assessor, and this is me showing up as a trainer to guide you. The Small but Mighty Blueprint workshop is about educating you on what a small but mighty practice looks like. I was inspired to create it after hearing bookkeepers in a Facebook forum talk about being busy. Let me warn you—beware of the "busy bookkeeper." Being busy doesn’t mean thriving. In fact, successful bookkeepers are not perpetually busy. Success is about income, time, and prioritising what’s important to you with that income and time. Let me share what I’d like you to get out of this read. First, I’m thrilled you can access this as a blog and a podcast —it’s easier to fit into your day. Just earlier, I was working on productivity training with my program’s Tribe, teaching a strategy called habit stacking. You can learn about it in Atomic Habits (a must-read for any entrepreneur). Habit stacking combines one activity with another. So, if you’re driving, folding laundry, working out, or walking, you can also listen to this workshop and still gain value. Here’s what I hope you gain: Education : Learn or re-learn concepts. Assets : Discover which assets you should consider building. Implementation : Understand how to implement what you learn and build. Team : Identify the kind of people you might need to help you along the way. Support : Know that you’re welcome to join our private Facebook community, The Strategic Bookkeepers Way . If you didn’t attend the workshop live, you won’t have the resources we handed out. If you’d like those resources, email us at hello@strategicbookkeeper.global with “Blueprint Resources” in the subject line. Pull over if you’re driving, send that email, and get the resources to help move the needle in your practice. This workshop will help you adjust direction. You’ll have the opportunity to stop doing things that hold you back, stop thinking the wrong way, and stop acting the wrong way. My role as your coach is to give you direction and redirection. So, let’s jump in. First, let me share how I work. In every workshop, I balance a structured agenda with authentic sharing. Today, I’ll show you the Small but Mighty Blueprint, which will help you build a small and mighty practice that delivers high income with low stress. I’ll also explain why I encourage practices with fewer than five people on the team, including you. This avoids the "messy middle"—a stage where growth can lead to inefficiency. Early in my career, I believed we were meant to keep growing endlessly, but that approach can "grow you broke," as the saying goes. Today, I want to help you avoid that mistake. You have access to my book , where I shared my secrets to success, my podcast where the conversation continues, and my program , which offers the most direct support. The best way I can help you is if you engage with my content for a full year. Whether through the program, book, or podcast, please use my resources consistently. I call it being like a fire hose, not a sprinkler. Avoid consuming scattered business information from random sources—stick to a proven system. Now, let’s dive into the what, why, and how of the Small but Mighty Blueprint. Let’s start with a crucial mindset: sharpen the axe before chopping the tree. Right now, I encourage you to focus entirely on this post. If multitasking is unavoidable, read again later. Single-tasking allows you to get the most value. As we proceed, take notes on where you are now, where you want to be, and what you need to do about it. Now, let’s build a thriving practice, delight your clients, and live your dream on your terms. What we’ll cover today aligns with the key problems we address in the Transformation Program. These include: How to find new clients. How to convert them irrespective of price. How to stay relevant and thrive in a world of automation, AI, robotics, and cheap labour. How to systemise your practice and build a team. How to make advisory services work effectively. These are part of the seven steps I teach to build a thriving practice and today, I will connect these to The Small but Mighty Blueprint. Today, I’ll share my story and relate it to these steps so you can reflect on your journey—where you are now, where you’ve been, and where you want to go. When I first launched my bookkeeping practice 15 years ago, I was naive. Like nine out of ten bookkeepers, I struggled to thrive in the early years. I thought it would be easier than it was, and I quickly realised I needed help. I purchased a system that offered some value, mainly by helping me raise my prices to cover the cost of the program. However, it missed the mark in many ways. Reflecting on that experience, I asked myself, What would have been ideal? This reflection led me to build the Transformation Program. I thought about the challenges I faced and the tools that would have made a difference. Five years into my practice, I achieved a lifestyle business by focusing on seven key elements: brand, menu, attraction, conversion, succession, systems, and team. I realised these elements needed to be packaged with the right education, done-for-you assets, and ongoing support. I wanted to create a bookkeeping practice in a box—a system that didn’t just educate but also provided tools, templates, and hand-holding every step of the way. This is why the Transformation Program is a licensed membership program with done-for-you components. When building the program, I also drew on my corporate experience working for a public company managing franchise brands. I saw the benefits and drawbacks of the franchise model, particularly the high fees. I decided to take the best parts of that model and offer a system with flexibility, freedom, and a no-brainer fee structure. One of the reasons I built out this program is because of a challenging period in my life. When my son was five, my marriage ended, and things were incredibly difficult. Achieving a six-figure income and time wealth gave me the choice and flexibility to focus on my physical, mental, and spiritual health. That experience inspired me to support others, especially women, in building the same opportunities for themselves. And, well—thank you for allowing me to share my story. It’s always helpful to know how my experiences resonate with you. Now, let’s explore how the Small but Mighty Blueprint ties into your journey. This blueprint is the heart and soul of how we get results. It’s built around the seven steps, the five big keys, and the bookkeeping practice blueprint. These are the foundations of creating an unbreakable, unshakable business. A small but mighty practice has fewer than five people, including you, which avoids the "messy middle." This term refers to the inefficiency and profit loss that occur when managing a larger team. For example, I once spoke to a bookkeeper with ten staff members making $380,000 in profit. We realised she could achieve the same profit with half the staff, saving time and stress. Key elements of a small but mighty practice include: An Unbreakable Business Model : Achieved through the seven steps, five big keys, and blueprint. A Team of You + Up to 4 Staff : Smaller teams are easier to manage and maintain profitability. A Pipeline of Pre-Sold Prospective Clients : Ensuring a steady flow of work. High-Paying, Raving-Fan Clients : Achieved through strong branding, pricing, and advisory services. A $200,000+ Take-Home Income : With lots of time wealth to focus on what matters most to you. Now, let’s talk about what it means to build thriving, not busy. A thriving practice starts with fixing broken models, like high cost-of-sales ratios or ineffective pricing strategies. For example, the classic bookkeeper operates at a 60% cost of sales, leaving little room for profit. Through my program, we teach you how to lower your cost of sales to 33% or less, dramatically increasing your gross profit. To illustrate, a small but mighty practice turning over $372,000 annually can achieve a gross profit of $250,000 with the right cost-of-sales structure. This model includes two team members spending 80% of their time on client work, while you spend 50% of your time on level-one advisory. Level-one advisory, or "investigating the numbers," is a simple but transformative service that increases client value and satisfaction. Let’s dive deeper into level-one advisory. This involves investigating the numbers with your clients to uncover actionable insights. It’s what separates strategic bookkeepers from those who only focus on compliance. For example, while compliance ensures accurate and up-to-date records, level-one advisory uses those records to help clients make better decisions. This could include identifying cash flow issues, spotting growth opportunities, or improving profitability. Level-one advisory is a significant revenue opportunity. While standard bookkeeping might be charged at $100 an hour, advisory services can command $250 to $300 an hour or more. Clients see it as an investment, not a cost, because the value they gain far exceeds what they spend. For example, in my own practice, I once helped a client uncover $250,000 in their business through strategic advisory. Inside the Transformation Program, our best result so far is helping a client generate six figures in six months. The key is holding clients accountable for reviewing and acting on their numbers, which moves the needle in their business. If you’re wondering about how to implement this, the Transformation Program provides everything you need. We certify you as a strategic bookkeeper and teach you frameworks, agendas, and methodologies for delivering advisory services. You’ll learn to guide clients in workshops and monthly catch-ups, ensuring they see the value of your services. Now, let’s address a common misconception among bookkeepers: busy means successful. Early in my career, I thought growing revenue and adding staff would naturally lead to success. But as my revenue grew, my profit didn’t, and I found myself trapped in a cycle of being busy without thriving. The reality is that success requires fixing your practice first. This involves building a strong brand, creating effective pricing models, and delivering outcomes that clients value. By nailing these fundamentals, you can transition from busy to thriving. Here’s how you can start thinking the right way: Stop chasing revenue without fixing your business model. Focus on creating value for clients rather than competing on price. Prioritise your own oxygen mask—build systems and teams that support you, not drain you. When you think the right way, you naturally start acting the right way. For example, instead of hiring staff impulsively to handle growing workloads, you recruit strategically to maintain profitability and avoid the "messy middle." The "messy middle" refers to the inefficiency and reduced profitability that often arise when your team grows beyond five people. Once you exceed this number, management complexity increases, and much of your profit gets consumed by overhead costs. For example, when I interviewed Meryl on behalf of TeamUp, she shared her experience of growing her team from five to twenty staff members. She described the challenges of navigating this messy middle—a lesson I wish I had learned earlier in my career. The misconception I had early on—and one I see many bookkeepers share—is that growth equals success. We think, If I just win more work and hire more staff, everything will work out. But without a solid foundation, growing your business only amplifies the cracks in your model. So, where might your thinking be going wrong? Be honest with yourself. Perhaps you’re focused on revenue instead of profit, or maybe you’re underestimating the value of your services and competing on price. Once you identify these issues, you can start shifting your approach. Now, let’s look at the Small but Mighty Blueprint in action. Imagine a practice where: You + 2 team members generate $372,000 in revenue. Cost of sales is 33%, leaving you with a gross profit of $250,000. Operational costs are streamlined, thanks to systems and resources provided in the Transformation Program. Your net take-home pay is $200,000+ with ample time wealth to focus on your health, family, and personal goals. This is what’s possible with a small but mighty practice. It’s not just about the numbers—it’s about creating a business that aligns with your dream on your terms. The future of bookkeeping is here, and it’s about strategic services, not just compliance. Automation, AI, and robotics are replacing traditional grunt work, but they can’t replace the human touch required for strategic advisory. This is where bookkeepers can thrive by delivering value that machines cannot replicate. Inside the Transformation Program, we certify you as a strategic bookkeeper and teach you how to: Investigate the numbers with clients. Ask powerful questions that uncover problems and solutions. Deliver monthly workshops that guide clients toward their goals. For example, one of my early advisory sessions helped a client uncover $250,000 in hidden opportunities. The key was holding them accountable to act on the insights we uncovered together. When you incorporate level-one advisory into your services, you’re not just crunching numbers—you’re helping clients make decisions that impact their profitability and growth. This is why you can charge significantly more for advisory work. For example, while compliance bookkeeping might command $100 an hour, advisory services can bring in $250, $300, or even more per hour. The return on investment for clients makes this an easy sell—they can often see a tenfold return on what they spend. Here’s another way to think about it: Bookkeeping provides the foundation, but advisory is what builds the house. Without engaging clients in their numbers, the foundation alone won’t deliver the results they’re looking for. When you help them use those numbers strategically, you become indispensable. In the Transformation Program, we give you all the tools you need to build this value. This includes our advisory module, which provides: Methodologies for holding clients accountable to their numbers. Frameworks for monthly client meetings. Done-for-you agendas and resources to guide your sessions. By mastering these techniques, you’ll shift from being a cost to a client investment—and they’ll gladly pay the premium for your expertise. As we’ve discussed, busy doesn’t mean thriving. Many bookkeepers I meet are overwhelmed because they’re stuck in a broken business model. They’re undercharging, overworking, and struggling to keep up. This is not sustainable. Building a thriving practice starts with thinking and acting the right way. Here’s how to start: Focus on building value, not volume. Use automation and systems to increase efficiency without adding stress. Invest in education and tools that enable you to work smarter, not harder. Inside the Transformation Program, we address these challenges head-on. One member, Deb, shared her story of going from 40 years of struggling in practice to doubling her profit in just one year. She credits this transformation to learning how to package her services, build strong client relationships, and focus on outcomes instead of tasks. Now, let’s talk about your ten-point plan to building a small but mighty practice. The Ten-Point Plan Build a pipeline of pre-sold prospects. Finding new clients is essential, but having a steady flow of pre-sold prospects ensures you’re not wasting time convincing people of your value. Convert 100% of those prospects into strategic, productised services. This means offering services designed for profit and client satisfaction. Recruit your first all-rounder strategically. Your first hire should handle both admin and client work to free up your time. Delegate bookkeeping basics to your team. Free yourself to focus on higher-value tasks like advisory and business development. Systemise your practice. Use the Transformation Program’s standard operating procedures to streamline operations. Transition into advisory work. Spend more of your time on level-one advisory—helping clients interpret and act on their numbers. This is where the greatest value lies and where you can charge premium rates. Build and nurture your team. Train your team to handle operational tasks while you focus on strategic growth. We provide the tools to onboard and manage them effectively. Create systems for client onboarding and retention. These systems ensure every client becomes a raving fan while allowing you to scale without losing quality. Develop a predictable revenue stream. Productising your services and using strategic pricing helps stabilise your income and eliminates reliance on ad hoc work. Achieve financial and time wealth. With the right systems, team, and mindset in place, you’ll build a practice that supports your ideal lifestyle. Why the Small But Mighty Model Works The Small but Mighty Blueprint focuses on maximising profit and minimising complexity. For example, with a team of three (you and two staff members), you can: Generate $372,000 in annual revenue. Achieve a gross profit of $250,000 (or 60%). Take home a net income of $200,000+. This model avoids the pitfalls of larger practices, such as high management costs and inefficiency. By keeping your team small and using systems to amplify productivity, you’ll create a business that’s both profitable and manageable. To maintain profitability and stay competitive, leveraging automation and a global workforce is essential. Automation handles routine tasks, while a global team allows you to access skilled talent at a lower cost. Inside the Transformation Program, we guide you on: How to recruit and onboard global team members. Using automation to enhance efficiency and client satisfaction. Ensuring your systems align with financial management best practices. This approach not only reduces costs but also ensures you can focus on delivering high-value services. One of the most significant shifts you’ll make in your practice is moving to strategic pricing . Many bookkeepers undercharge for their services, often out of fear of losing clients or competition. But undervaluing your work leads to burnout and financial stress. Here’s how strategic pricing transforms your practice: It focuses on outcomes, not tasks. Clients are willing to pay for results that help them grow their business, not just for compliance. It positions you as a premium service provider. Higher prices attract high-quality clients who respect your expertise. It ensures profitability. By aligning pricing with the value you deliver, you’ll achieve better margins and a sustainable business. In the Transformation Program, we teach you how to package and price your services effectively. You’ll learn to communicate your value, handle objections, and convert prospects into loyal clients. Let me share Karen’s story to illustrate what’s possible. When Karen joined the program, she was living off her savings, unsure how to move forward. Within 12 months, she had a six-figure income, a waiting list of clients, and confidence in her value. She transitioned from charging hourly rates to productised pricing and focused on delivering outcomes. Her clients loved the results, and she gained financial independence. Karen’s success wasn’t unique. Many bookkeepers in the program have achieved similar results by implementing the principles of the Small but Mighty Blueprint. Building a Future-Proof Practice The bookkeeping industry is evolving rapidly. Automation, AI, and global competition are fundamentally changing the way bookkeepers work. To stay relevant and thrive in this changing landscape, it’s essential to focus on three key areas: Leverage Technology: Automation and AI are incredible tools for handling routine tasks, allowing you to dedicate more time to high-value activities like advisory services. Position Yourself as a Strategic Advisor: Move beyond compliance work by helping clients interpret their numbers and make informed decisions. This differentiates you from others in the industry and makes your services indispensable. Invest in Continuous Learning: Stay ahead of industry trends by upgrading your skills and knowledge. This ensures you remain competitive and able to meet the evolving needs of your clients. The Transformation Program is designed to help you implement these changes effectively. We provide the education, tools, and support needed to adapt to the future of bookkeeping and build a practice that thrives in any environment. Everything we’ve covered in this workshop ties back to the core principles of the Small but Mighty Blueprint. Whether you’re just starting your practice or looking to elevate an established one, the blueprint provides a clear roadmap to success. By focusing on strategic pricing, leveraging technology, building the right team, and delivering outcomes, you can create a business that aligns with your dream on your terms. I encourage you to reflect on what you’ve learned, identify areas for improvement, and take action. Remember, success is not about being busy—it’s about being strategic. If you’d like to dive deeper into these concepts, connect with us at The Strategic Bookkeeper's Way Facebook group or email us at hello@strategicbookkeeper.global. You’re also welcome to explore our Transformation Program for step-by-step guidance and support. Here’s to building a thriving practice that brings you income, time wealth, and joy.
- Implementation in Action: Real-Time Coaching for Success
Recently, I received an email from someone asking about the timing of the live coaching sessions in our Transformation Program. While I’ve answered that question before, I thought I’d take a more holistic approach here and explain what the implementation phase of the program involves—and more importantly, how it’s focused on driving real results. It’s such a crucial part of the journey, and I believe understanding its full impact can help you decide if getting our help—getting my help and the help of Team HQ—is the right move for you in building a successful bookkeeping practice. Before we dive in, let’s revisit the Five Big Keys to Success which form the backbone of my Transformation Program. These aren’t just helpful principles; they’re essential building blocks designed to help you reach your goals, build confidence, and turn your bookkeeping practice into a thriving, profitable business. Team : When you join the program, it’s like you’re bringing on a team of experts who know exactly what steps you need to take to succeed. Think of it as recruiting a high-caliber, six-figure team that’s laser-focused on helping you elevate your business. They’ve already mapped out, tested, and optimized strategies to get you where you want to go, so you can avoid common pitfalls and move forward with confidence. Education : I believe in giving you the highest-value, world-class education, specifically tailored for bookkeepers looking to thrive. This isn’t just theory; it’s practical, actionable, and directly applicable to your day-to-day operations. Every piece of content is designed to be as accessible and digestible as possible, allowing you to integrate learning seamlessly into your schedule. Assets : Alongside the education, you’ll get a full suite of digital collateral and tools to help you implement the strategies you learn. These assets include everything from marketing materials to streamlined operational systems, ensuring you have exactly what you need to enhance your business processes and drive growth. Implementation : This is where the magic happens. Learning something new is valuable, but true growth happens when you take that knowledge and put it into action. Implementation is all about applying what you’ve learned, leveraging the assets we provide, and actively using them to start seeing real results in your business. Support : You’ll never be left to navigate the process on your own. Our program offers access to a network of like-minded bookkeepers and seasoned coaches, all dedicated to helping you level up. You’ll have an experienced support system with you at every turn, guiding you through challenges and helping you stay on track. Each of these Five Keys plays a crucial role in the journey, and the way we’ve structured the program is specifically designed to ensure that you’re not just absorbing information; you’re actively implementing it, moving forward, and achieving results. Now, let’s talk about how the coaching and implementation phases of the program actually work. One of the most common questions I get is about the timing of the live coaching sessions. As of today, October 22, 2024, our live coaching and implementation sessions take place every second Tuesday at 9:30 AM, Brisbane, Australia time. But what if that time doesn’t work for you? Don’t worry! We’ve made the program flexible and accessible, so you can still get the coaching and implementation support you need, regardless of your time zone. The coaching sessions are designed to be flexible, and we make sure they’re available in multiple formats so that everyone can benefit. If you can’t attend live, all sessions are recorded and made available on our private podcast channel. You can listen in your own time, which makes it easy for you to integrate the learning into your schedule, no matter where in the world you’re located. But let’s take a step back and look at the broader structure of the coaching. Imagine a line down the middle of a page. On the left side, you’ve got the front end of your business, which I like to call the “win the work” side. On the right side, you’ve got the back end , or the “do the work” side. The front end is all about attracting new clients, growing your business, and converting leads into paying customers. This is where you focus on winning the work . The back end is all about delivering services, managing clients, and ensuring that your operations are running smoothly. This is the do the work side. The coaching is structured to help you tackle both sides of your business effectively. You’ll get 24/7 access to the Academy , where you can learn everything you need to know to thrive. The education we provide is world-class, and it’s designed to be consumed on your own time, ideally in an audio-friendly format so you can listen and learn as you go about your day. The assets that go along with this education are designed to help you implement what you’re learning right away. For example, if your focus is on winning the work, you’ll have access to a range of marketing materials and tools that are ready for you to use. These include your signature brochure, social media vault, welcome lines, and nurture assets. Once you’ve got the education and assets, it’s time to implement. Implementation is a critical part of the process, and this is where the coaching and support come in. The Power of the Tribe One of the things that make this program stand out is the power of the community. The private Facebook group may sound like a simple tool, but it’s one of the most powerful aspects of the program. This group serves as your mastermind—a place where you can ask questions, share ideas, and get feedback from both me and your fellow tribe members. It’s also where I provide real-time coaching and feedback. I regularly check the group to see what’s happening and what support is needed. I often jump in with live videos that address common questions or provide additional insights. These live videos can go for 20-30 minutes, and I later convert them into MP3s for our private podcast channel, so they’re easily accessible. Members of the tribe have told me time and again that this real-time coaching and community support are some of the most impactful elements of the program. It’s not just about the education or the assets—it’s about having a support system in place to help you implement what you’re learning and get real results. Personalised Coaching: Tailored Support for Your Business In addition to the group coaching, I also offer personalised support through a variety of channels. You can email me, message me on Facebook, or post in the private Facebook group. I encourage all new members to friend-request me on Facebook so you can message me directly. While I’m based in Australia, I make sure to stay available to support you, regardless of where you are. There have been many times when I’ve responded to messages late at night or early in the morning, working around time zone differences to ensure everyone gets the help they need. A great example of this is a tribe member named Andrew. Early on, Andrew was what I call a “noisy achiever.” He was extremely engaged, sending me lots of questions and updates, and we worked closely to solve some of his biggest challenges even at the wee hours of the night for me. After we worked through some key issues, Andrew became quieter, as he was able to take what he’d learned and run with it. Now, in year two of the Graduate Club, I’ve noticed he’s engaging more again as he continues to level up his practice. Live Coaching, Implementers, and Hot Seat Sessions Every second Tuesday, we hold a live coaching session where you can get personalised, one-on-one coaching in a small group setting. This is open coaching—meaning I come into the session ready to hear what’s going on for you, what’s working, what’s not, and what adjustments we need to make to get you the results you want. These sessions are incredibly valuable. If you were to hire me for one-on-one coaching outside of the program, it would cost about $60,000 per year. The fact that you’re getting this level of coaching for a fraction of that cost as part of the program is just one example of the immense value we provide. We also hold Wednesday Implementers , which are a bit different from the open coaching sessions. The Implementers are more focused on the education and assets you’ve been given, and the goal is to deepen your learning and help you implement what you’ve learned. I often anticipate what you need, even before you realise you need it, and provide the support you need to go deeper. These sessions can be mind-blowing in terms of the insights and breakthroughs they provide. They’re longer than the regular coaching sessions, typically running about 90 minutes. And if you can’t make them live, they’re recorded and made available as audio files so you can listen to them later in our private podcast channel. Another powerful part of the program is our hot seats and challenges . If you have a specific challenge or issue you’re facing, you can request a hot seat, and I’ll work with you directly to solve the problem. We also run challenges throughout the year, which are designed to help you implement key strategies and get results in specific areas. For example, one of our recent challenges was the Business Development Challenge . This was all about helping bookkeepers increase the business within their practice—whether that meant finding new clients, upgrading existing clients, or raising prices. At the same time, we ran a Price Rise Challenge led by Jo McMahon, which walked members through the process of implementing their annual price rises. Both of these challenges are now recorded and available in the Academy for members to revisit whenever they need to. Ultimately, everything we do in the program is focused on getting you results. This isn’t a static program where you’re handed some materials and left to figure it out on your own. I’m constantly looking at who’s getting the big results, who’s making progress, and who might need more support. If someone falls off the radar or isn’t seeing the success we know they’re capable of, we intervene and find out what’s going on. The program is always evolving based on feedback and the needs of our members. We make small adjustments as needed to ensure that every member has the best possible chance of success. For example, we recently added audio check-ins, where I send out a personalised audio message to members a few months into their journey to see how things are going and offer additional support if needed. This program is all about results. It’s not just about giving you the tools and wishing you luck—it’s about making sure you have everything you need to succeed, and then supporting you every step of the way.
- Inside My Signature Program
In today's read, we're diving into a look inside the Transformation Program based on a bunch of questions I've received via email—what I like to call questions, comments, and suggestions. I am deeply grateful to the bookkeepers who've reached out with open hearts and open minds, sharing what's on their minds as they think about joining the program and wondering about various aspects. This has allowed me to create what is a pretty long blog post for me. So, my advice to you: if it works for you, tune in to the podcast version and speed me up to 1.2x or 1.3x speed. I truly hope you get a lot out of this blog as you evaluate whether you'd like to join our program. And, of course, I hope to see you in there. Firstly, thank you for your emails, questions, comments, and suggestions. I’ve got a few emails in front of me right now, and since they tend to cover similar themes, I thought I’d create one comprehensive response. This way, I can address everything and hopefully give you deeper insights into the program. While writing this, I’m actually looking at the Transformation Program Academy itself. Let’s begin with an overview of how we make everything work. You’ve probably read my book by now, which outlines the seven ingredients—or steps, depending on how you look at it: Brand, Menu, Attraction, Conversion, Succession, Systems, and Team. What I cannot understate enough is how we make these elements work inside the program. It’s all about team, education, assets, implementation, and support —five key components. I vividly remember being at my whiteboard, developing these pillars. Let’s quickly go through them now. So, Team— let’s first touch on a common question I receive: What’s the fee structure for the Transformation Program? The program costs around $5,000 USD per year. Since we support bookkeepers globally, USD is the chosen currency. We also offer a payment plan of $99 USD per week. Beyond the first year, about 70% of members elect to stay in the program as licensed membership members, which I call the “Full Monty.” I think this speaks to the massive impact of the program. As you’ll hear in our success stories, many bookkeepers achieve six-figure results within their first year. For me, it’s important to help bookkeepers see a 10x return on their investment. That’s something one of my mentors taught me—always ensure your pricing delivers at least 10x in value. And so, one of the key components of the program is Team. When you join in, it’s like recruiting a Six-figure Team for your business. Let me explain: When I built this program, I assembled a team that cost me six figures to create. It wasn’t something any one bookkeeper could afford individually, but I knew my mission was to help bookkeepers globally. To this day, I maintain this six-figure team to serve you. This team includes experts in: Business strategy Marketing strategy Branding and graphic design Copywriting Social media Website design Systems and team management Product and pricing Business development Advisory systems And that’s just the top ten areas we cover. When you join the program, you’re not only saving the expense of building this kind of team on your own, but you’re also gaining the expertise of a team dedicated to your success. For just $99 a week, you’re investing in everything you need to thrive in practice, increase your income, and reclaim your time wealth. Everything required to scale your bookkeeping practice is inside the program. If you were to build and implement all of this on your own, it would cost you much more—and take significantly longer. So, if you’re not finding the success you want right now, there’s a reason you’re considering my program. Whether you feel like you lack time wealth, income, or efficiency, the program is designed to address these gaps. Take someone like Karen Andrews, who already had a solid practice when she joined. Together, we identified ways to double her gross profits within a year by focusing on advisory services, standard operating procedures, and pricing strategies. The investment in the Transformation Program is a fraction of what it would cost you to figure it all out on your own. Let’s move on to the other components that make this program work— Education, Assets, and Implementation. If you don’t join the program, these are still things you’ll need to do on your own: Educate yourself – You’ll need to stay on top of best practices, strategies, and techniques that keep your practice relevant and competitive. Build the assets – This includes all the digital collateral and tools necessary to support your practice. Think about the assets in the Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint: Your million-dollar storybook brochure A video sales letter Your product ladder Welcome line nurture assets These are essential, and we give you ten done-for-you welcome line nurture assets. These have been tested, measured, and perfected to help you engage potential clients. Implementation – You need to test and refine everything you build, measure the results, and continue to tweak until it’s all working seamlessly. These three areas are critical whether you join the program or not. However, in the Transformation Program, these steps are done for you or done with you. Support is the final piece of the puzzle. When you join the program, you gain access to a mastermind group—our private paying community in Facebook. For example, members like Tracy and Jen have shared their experiences. Tracy was in the program for a year before deciding to spread her wings and fly, while Jen remains an active member in the Graduate Club. Here’s what Tracy said about her time in the program: “I did the program for a year. It helped me change my pricing structure and, therefore, increase revenue. It assisted me with marketing, networking, and engaging a team. I also think a little manifestation played a role too. I managed to replace the income I received from a high-paying job and now work a few hours a week, overseeing my team’s work. I picked up new clients along the way and learned to value what I do and change my beliefs. The tribe is incredibly supportive too. I now enjoy a great work-life balance, earning well over $100,000 a year working part-time. I don’t believe you’ll regret joining if you follow the process.” Jen, who is still in the program, shared this: “The program supports all areas of a bookkeeping practice, especially around products and pricing, which are areas many bookkeepers struggle with. We often undercharge for our skills and abilities. Jeannie teaches you how to build an audience, run events, and maintain social media in just a few hours a month. There are so many resources provided to help you succeed without having to create everything yourself. I’m in my second year and still implementing these things. If I ever feel unsure, I show up to the regular meetings and get the support I need to move forward. This isn’t a cost—it’s an investment that pays for itself many times over.” A question I often get is about the money-back guarantee . It’s pretty straightforward: If you follow the program step by step and don’t make at least the program fee back within a year, I’ll give you a refund. I’ve also been asked if anyone has ever requested a refund. The first cohort completed the program in August 2024, and to date, we haven’t issued a single refund. Why? Because the return on investment is very easy to achieve. Another question I’ve received is about how the program helps grow your practice, particularly when it comes to marketing and building networks. Some bookkeepers wonder if you need an established network to join the program, or if we help you build one. The short answer is: Yes, we help you grow, and more importantly, scale. Let me explain the difference between growth and scaling. Growth means increasing revenue, but it often comes with increased effort and resources. For example, one of our members, Jen, saw her revenue increase significantly over a year. However, that wasn’t her primary focus. Scaling, on the other hand, is about increasing efficiency and profitability without a proportional increase in effort. For Jen, scaling meant doubling her fees for all clients over the course of a year. While she lost less than 10% of her clients, her net profit doubled. By working smarter—not harder—she scaled her practice. For someone like Karen Thomson, who joined six months into her practice, the focus was slightly different. She needed to acquire new clients and optimize her existing ones. Through better products and pricing, Karen provided her clients with improved packages and outcomes, while also increasing the profitability of her business. Scaling is about running a real business. Many of our members have shared that after joining the program, they felt like they were finally running a real business—not just being self-employed or letting the business run them. Scaling means building a practice that’s efficient, profitable, and gives you the income and time wealth you deserve. Scaling Your Practice: Winning the Work and Doing the Work Let’s dive deeper into scaling your practice and how the program supports you. I like to split a bookkeeping practice into two key parts: Win the Work – This is about branding, marketing, and selling. Do the Work – This focuses on backend operations like practice administration, team management, and service delivery. Now, these two areas are vastly different. The backend work—what I call Do the Work—is more black-and-white. It’s linear, doesn’t change much over time, and is easier to coach. That’s where my right-hand, Jo McMahon, comes in. She specializes in supporting our members with backend business administration and operations. Winning the Work, on the other hand, is much more like a Picasso painting. It’s creative, constantly evolving, and deeply influenced by changes in technology, consumer behavior, and economic trends. The principles—like “keep in touch” marketing—remain timeless, but the application evolves. For example, newsletters were once the go-to for staying in touch, but they’re now largely redundant. While the principle is the same, the tools and methods have changed. This is where our program truly shines. Globally, no other coach or system provides the step-by-step detail and support needed to excel at branding, marketing, and selling. Many of our members tell me they’ve tried other bookkeeping coaches or systems, but none of them even scratch the surface of what we offer. For instance, some bookkeepers have spent $50,000 on well-known bookkeeping coaching systems, only to find that they don’t deliver the depth of support or the return on investment that our program does. For just $99 a week, you gain access to a program that not only supports you in scaling your practice but also provides the tools, templates, and assets needed to succeed. Another common question is: How do I grow my practice and find new clients? In the program, we use the Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint to guide this process. The blueprint is divided into two parts: The Left-Hand Side – This includes foundational elements like branding, menu creation, and building your client attraction system. Normally, it might take 10 years for a bookkeeper to master these elements on their own—but with the program, you can nail them within two weeks. The Right-Hand Side – This focuses on maximizing opportunities when you find prospective clients. This is where we show you how to layer your marketing strategies to find and engage your audience effectively. To find your audience, we teach five definitive strategies, starting with these three: Existing Audience – Maximizing opportunities with your current network. Business Networking – Building connections that lead to referrals. Partnership Marketing – Creating strategic alliances with complementary businesses. These strategies help you go from having no clients to building a pipeline and waitlist of potential clients. But finding your audience is just the beginning—engaging them is where the magic happens. We provide the tools, resources, and training you need to engage your audience effectively. For instance, when it comes to business development, our program is the only one globally that shows bookkeepers how to wear the business development hat and execute these activities with confidence. You also gain access to a licensed membership program, which allows you to leverage the power of being a certified strategic bookkeeper. This includes done-for-you resources like our free Business Fundamentals Training, which you can plug directly into your marketing ecosystem. Welcome Line Nurture Assets are another key component. These ten assets are designed to nurture an audience and convert them into clients. For example, the Business Fundamentals Training can be used to engage prospective clients, elevate the value of your services, and improve your conversion rates. These assets are also repurposable, meaning you can use them in multiple ways to maximize their impact. For instance, you can run a live or recorded event using the Business Fundamentals Training or integrate it into your productized services to demonstrate value. When it comes to database nurture, nobody does it better than we do. Our approach ensures that your audience feels consistently engaged and nurtured, leading to a stronger pipeline and more successful client conversions. Another topic that’s come up in emails is how health, productivity, and mindset can hold bookkeepers back. Let me give you a gift right now—something that has changed my life. If you haven’t already, I recommend looking up Dr. Kate Shanahan and her book Deep Nutrition (or her latest version, The Fatburn Fix). For years, I struggled with pain and fatigue. Finding Dr. Shanahan’s work was a turning point for me—it transformed my health and productivity. I also have a private Facebook group called The Healthy Bookkeeper , which you’re welcome to join for additional insights. Inside the program, we help you overcome obstacles in three critical areas: Mindset – We work on clearing mental roadblocks like self-doubt, fear, or shame gremlins. These often prevent bookkeepers from fully embracing their value and potential. Productivity – Many bookkeepers struggle to be productive. We teach you how to become highly efficient, getting 10 times more done in the same amount of time. Mechanics – This is all about the practical tasks you need to accomplish, like marketing, recruitment, and onboarding. However, without the right mindset and productivity habits, these mechanics can feel overwhelming. By addressing mindset and productivity first, the mechanics become far easier to execute successfully. I also want to highlight a relatively new initiative we’ve been working on: Better in Business Global. This platform is rolling out a done-for-you lead generation system . For years, we’ve had the Better in Business podcast, which pitches strategic bookkeeping to potential clients. Now, we’ve hired a partnership manager to expand the reach of this platform and our partnerships globally. This will help drive demand for strategic bookkeeping and create more opportunities for our program members. Overcoming Barriers and Maximizing the Program Let’s talk about some of the barriers that might be holding you back from joining the program—and how to overcome them. One bookkeeper emailed me saying the fee structure was a concern. I completely understand. I’ve designed this program with a payment plan to make it accessible, knowing that the return on investment is far greater than the cost. Take Deb Stevenson, for example. When Deb joined, it was her last-ditch attempt after 40 years of practice to make things work. Deb is one of the most skilled, technically brilliant bookkeepers and income tax accountants I’ve ever met, but like many bookkeepers, she faced challenges with pricing and scaling her practice. Deb trusted the process. She followed my steps exactly, tuning into my resources and implementing them one by one. For instance, by charging more for her training services, she quickly made enough to cover weeks of the program fees. Each new step she implemented brought results, consistently exceeding the cost of the program. This is what I envisioned when I designed the program—progress over perfection. I provide a payment plan because it’s what I would have wanted when I started my own journey during the global financial crisis. If you join the program and follow the blueprint without trying to reinvent the wheel, you’ll experience similar success. Members like Deb, Karen, and Jen have all achieved remarkable results by trusting the system. The biggest barriers to success aren’t external—they’re internal. Perfectionism over progress – Trying to perfect everything before moving forward is a major roadblock. Not following the blueprint – If you don’t fully engage with the program’s processes, it’s harder to see results. Splitting focus – Dividing attention between the program and other unrelated resources dilutes your efforts. Here’s my advice: give the program 100% of your focus. Don’t try to blend it with other coaching or systems. Trust the process, even if you don’t fully understand it right away. Remember, the program is designed to be plug-and-play. The templates, assets, and steps are all ready for you. Your job is to implement them, report back on what’s working, and let us guide you through the rest. One of the most valuable aspects of the program is the coaching and implementation support . Every week, you have the opportunity to join coaching sessions where we review what’s working, what’s not, and what needs tweaking. These sessions are your chance to ask questions, get feedback, and refine your approach. For example, a long-term program member recently shared her disappointment when a potential client didn’t move forward. After hearing her story, I asked, “Did you do this, this, and this?” She admitted she hadn’t followed all the steps because she assumed the client would say yes. I reminded her that if you don’t follow the system, it won’t work as intended. This member adjusted her approach, and it turned things around. Another example is Deb Stevenson, who was worried about her conversion process early on. After discussing it with me, we identified one missing step. She implemented it immediately, and the results were dramatic—a 331% profit increase in a year. Deb now has a full-time staff member and is thriving. The Confidence to Network and Succeed Networking is often a challenge for bookkeepers. Some systems offer general advice and a “confidence boost,” but that’s not what we do here. In this program, networking is treated as a detailed, step-by-step module. It’s an area where precision matters. By following the formula exactly, you’ll achieve real results. General tips won’t cut it when it comes to building meaningful business relationships. One bookkeeper wrote to me about her struggles with confidence and health limitations. Let’s call her Renee. Renee, if you’re reading this, I get it. Constraints can feel overwhelming. But the best way to overcome them is to show up for coaching sessions and lean into the program. For the cost of $5,000 USD per year, you’re essentially getting access to my coaching, which would typically cost $60,000 a year for one-on-one support. Use it! Come to the sessions ready to be open, honest, and vulnerable. That’s how I can best direct and redirect you to success. Here’s what makes the program truly unique: Coaching Sessions – Weekly sessions where you can bring any challenges or questions. Private Facebook Community – Post your questions or challenges anytime, and I’ll respond with video content or written advice. Private Podcasts – All key content and responses are turned into private podcast episodes for you to listen to on the go. We make sure you’re supported at every step of the journey. If you’re serious about growing your practice and scaling it successfully, you need to trust the system and give it your all. The results speak for themselves, with countless members achieving significant milestones and transformations. Program Trial and Who the Program Is For Now, let’s talk about the 30-day trial and who the program is for. The trial offers a no-risk way to experience everything the program provides. For about $400 USD, you can dive in , explore the tools, and decide if it’s right for you. If you feel it’s not the right fit, you can simply opt out—though, honestly, that rarely happens. Most bookkeepers who try the trial find themselves fully immersed and loving the results they start to see. For instance, we currently have a bookkeeper in the trial who is already seeing major progress, which is exactly what I want for everyone who joins. This program is designed for bookkeepers in practice . Whether you’re just starting out or have decades of experience, it’s tailored to help you increase your income, reclaim your time wealth, and scale your practice effectively. Some of our members, like Deb Stevenson, came to us after 40 years in practice looking for a fresh approach, while others, like Karen Thompson, joined just six months into their journey. Wherever you are, this program meets you where you’re at and helps you grow to the next level. I know time is often a big barrier for bookkeepers considering this kind of commitment. Many tell me they feel time-poor, overwhelmed with clients, or stuck in a cycle where they’re unable to focus on growth. My response? If you don’t have time, that’s exactly why you need this program. We’ll help you step back and assess three critical areas: Income – Are you earning what you truly deserve? Time – Are you working excessive hours with no end in sight? Joy – Are you still enjoying your work, or has it become a grind? These three pillars—income, time, and joy—are essential for building a thriving practice. If you feel stuck in any of these areas, this program is exactly what you need to regain control and move forward with clarity and confidence. As we wrap up, I want to emphasize why this program works so effectively. It’s not just about the tools, templates, or strategies—it’s about the support system and the step-by-step guidance that ensures you can actually implement what you learn. When you join, you’re not alone. You have access to weekly coaching sessions, a private Facebook community, and private podcast episodes where we respond to your questions and challenges. If you ever feel stuck or unsure, all you need to do is ask. For example, members often post in the Facebook group or share a video outlining their challenges. I review these personally and respond with tailored advice or video content, which is then turned into private podcast episodes so you can revisit the guidance whenever you need. This ecosystem of ongoing support and accountability is what sets our program apart. It’s also why members consistently achieve extraordinary results. One thing I often remind members is to trust the system. You don’t need to understand every detail upfront for it to work. The assets, templates, and processes are ready for you to plug and play. All you need to do is follow the steps, provide feedback, and let us guide you through the rest. This program is designed to take the guesswork out of scaling your practice so you can focus on the things that matter most—your clients, your income, and your time wealth. For anyone who’s still unsure, remember that you can start with the 30-day trial . It’s the perfect way to see firsthand how the program can transform your practice. And if you’re ready to fully commit, you’re joining a tribe of bookkeepers who are not only thriving but also supporting one another every step of the way. Ultimately, whether you’ve been in practice for decades or you’re just starting out, this program gives you everything you need to build the business—and the life—of your dreams. Finally, I want to share some thoughts on mindset, productivity, and why they’re so essential to your success. One of the biggest obstacles for many bookkeepers is the mental roadblocks that prevent them from moving forward. Things like self-doubt, perfectionism, and fear can hold you back from making progress. Inside the program, we work on breaking down these barriers. We focus on developing a mindset that allows you to embrace growth, take calculated risks, and recognize the value of what you bring to your clients. Productivity is another key area we address. Many bookkeepers feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done. This is where we teach you how to become a highly efficient individual—someone who can accomplish ten times more in the same amount of time. This isn’t about working harder; it’s about working smarter, prioritizing effectively, and eliminating unnecessary distractions. When you combine the right mindset with increased productivity, the mechanics —things like marketing, recruitment, and operations—become much easier to manage. Without a strong foundation in mindset and productivity, these mechanics can feel overwhelming. But once you master the mental and practical aspects, you’ll find it much easier to execute the strategies and steps we teach in the program. Another exciting development I’d like to mention is our Better in Business Global platform, which is rolling out a lead generation system for program members. This system will drive demand for strategic bookkeeping globally, creating more opportunities for you to attract and retain high-quality clients. The platform includes partnerships, podcast episodes, and other tools designed to showcase the value of working with a certified strategic bookkeeper. As I’ve said before, nothing else globally comes close to what this program offers. It’s a complete, end-to-end system that supports you in every aspect of running and scaling your practice. Let’s address some final questions and concerns I’ve received from bookkeepers considering the program. One bookkeeper mentioned being desperate to grow their business but unsure where to start. If this resonates with you, let me assure you that this program is designed to meet you exactly where you are. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to optimize an established practice, the blueprint we provide will guide you step by step. To see results, all you need to do is show up, trust the process, and engage fully . Listen to the content, attend the coaching sessions, and lean into the community. For instance, I often joke with my members: when your husband is talking to you, pop in your earbuds and pretend to listen to him while you’re really listening to me! The point is, give the program your full attention and effort. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel—everything you need is already built, tested, and ready for you to use. One member, Deb Stevenson, embraced this fully. She didn’t tweak or question the materials—she simply implemented them step by step. As a result, she achieved a massive profit increase and transformed her practice in just one year. Her story is proof that when you commit to the system, it works. I also, again, want to highlight the 30-day trial, which gives you a no-risk way to experience the program. If you feel stuck—whether it’s due to time constraints, income limitations, or feeling overwhelmed—this program is designed to help you break through those barriers. The support system, templates, and coaching ensure that you’re not just learning but actively implementing what you need to succeed. So, as we close, I encourage you to take action. Whether it’s joining the trial , emailing me with your questions, or diving into the full program, the most important thing is to start. Progress begins when you back yourself and take that first step.
- Smart Staff Strategies
In today's blog post, I’ll keep it brief as we’re in the exciting season of opening the doors to our program. As I record this, the doors close on October 23, 2024—so there are just a few weeks left to join. During this time, I’m happy to share anything that might be helpful about the program . This blog is inspired by an email from a bookkeeper who attended my "Small but Mighty Blueprint" workshop this morning. This bookkeeper, located in Canada—like many of our members—is joining the program and had excellent follow-up questions about what I shared in the workshop. For context, the "Small but Mighty Blueprint" focuses on building a practice of you plus two staff members . This structure allows for a $200,000 take-home income while creating substantial time wealth. That could mean working 20 hours a week or even less, similar to my own setup, where I only spend a couple of hours per week on my bookkeeping practice. Achieving this takes step-by-step implementation. For instance, you might need to renovate an existing practice—like one of our members who is working on doubling her gross and net profits over the next year—or start from scratch. Many of our members build a six-figure income in 12 months, then use our blueprints to hire team members and create their "small but mighty" practice. Typically, the focus is on generating income first and then using the blueprint to gain time wealth. This particular bookkeeper had questions about hiring, automated data gathering systems, and how reviews are conducted when new bookkeepers join the team. In today's read, I’ll address these topics and explain how we support you through education, assets, and implementation inside the program. For example, you’ll gain access to done-for-you standard operating procedures and the tools to implement them effectively. If you’re considering joining the program or have similar questions, this blog is for you. And remember, you can always email me with your queries. I’d love to see you inside the program as we open the doors for the final time this year. Now, let’s dive into the details: I want to explain how our bookkeepers in Canada and Australia use automated data gathering and how this fits into modern bookkeeping practices. In today’s landscape, automation is a must. Whether you’re using QuickBooks Online, Xero, or another platform, the core principles of bookkeeping remain consistent. What we recommend is the Dext suite of software, particularly Dext Prepare and Dext Precision. Dext Prepare is mandatory for our clients—whether we’re doing the DIY work or handling their books. To be honest, I don’t work with any client who doesn’t use Dext Prepare. My approach is "my way or the highway," and that’s what I call proper leadership. For a deeper dive into this philosophy, you can check out my podcast episode, " Know Your Terms, Back Yourself, and Value the Heck Out of Your VIPs ." So, here’s how the process works: Dext Prepare connects directly to your accounting software, like QuickBooks Online or Xero, which pulls in the bank feeds. While bank feeds provide essential data, we don’t recommend coding directly from them, primarily for reasons like cybersecurity. Instead, Dext Prepare acts as an interface for your clients. They can submit their bills and receipts through the mobile app or email, which are then sorted into a secure portal. From there, automation handles about 80% of the data entry . For example, it ensures that most of the bills flow directly into the software. However, automation doesn’t handle everything—this is where "friction" comes in, which I’ll explain further in a moment. For now, just know that while automation does the heavy lifting, a skilled team member is still necessary to manage tasks that require a human touch. This brings us to a critical point in the Small but Mighty Blueprint: when hiring, you must always bring on a fully qualified, experienced bookkeeper—someone who’s potentially even better than you at the technical side of the job. Hiring someone who requires extensive training is a mistake. Instead, you need a professional who can hit the ground running. Within the program , we provide a blueprint for recruiting and managing your team , along with all the tools and resources you need to implement it successfully. You don’t have to figure it out alone. We have a complete system for leadership and management that ensures your team functions efficiently and delivers outstanding results. Let’s talk about reviews. Many bookkeepers are detail-oriented by nature, which is vital for the job. However, when you hire a capable all-rounder, they don’t require extensive reviewing—just guidance and leadership. Your role is to support them by being a strong leader and manager, and we provide the tools to help you do that effectively. Inside the program, we divide your business into two primary areas: front-end (branding, marketing, and selling) and back-end (business administration and work delivery). Right now, we’re focusing on the back-end—specifically, how you deliver work and manage your practice operations. In the program, you gain access to education and assets that make this process seamless. This includes done-for-you standard operating procedures (SOPs) that cover everything from practice administration to work delivery. But it’s not just about having the resources; it’s about implementing them effectively. To support this, my right-hand, Jo McMahon, leads fortnightly coaching calls. These 90-minute sessions give you the chance to work through any challenges you’re facing. Leading up to these sessions, you’ll also have access to Jo in the private Facebook group, where you can post questions and get direct support. This combination of ongoing support and structured implementation sessions ensures you can fully utilize the SOPs and build a winning team. When it comes to recruitment, we give you two options: do it yourself using our comprehensive resources or work with our vetted premium partner, who many of our members rave about. Either way, the program ensures you’re set up for success. Now, it’s time to take action. What will you do with the insights you’ve gained today? You have two options: go it alone and try to save some money, or back yourself by joining our program and becoming part of a community that is knocking it out of the ballpark. This isn’t a sales pitch—it’s me serving you, and dare I say, doing so courageously. I know what you need to succeed: the mechanics (the keys to the kingdom), the right mindset, and the tools to be super productive. These are all things I help you with inside the program. The doors close on October 23, 2024, and this is the last opportunity to join this year. Don’t miss your chance to build a practice that gives you income, time wealth, and freedom on your terms.
- The time & money involved in building your practice
As I write this blog, we’re not far from opening the doors to the program again. This makes it the perfect time to share insights that can help you decide whether joining is the right move for you. In this read, I’ll dive into topics that will benefit you whether you join or not. Specifically, I’ll discuss the Bookkeeping Blueprint and the time and money you need to invest in building and scaling your practice . This is about creating a bookkeeping business that gives you the lifestyle you want. Recently, during a mastermind session with members of my starter membership , a bookkeeper asked me some great questions. Before I answered, I asked if she planned to join my signature program. This wasn’t to pressure her but because my advice needed to differ depending on her plans. In my book , I explain this distinction. My program is both done-for-you and done-with-you. If you’re joining, I know you’ll have access to assets, strategies, and support that allow you to implement effectively. For example, if we’re discussing how to find and onboard new clients, I know you’ll get tools like our Million Dollar Storybook brochure, done-for-you social media, and a website guaranteed to work for you. My guidance for a program member will reflect that. On the other hand, if someone has no intention of joining, I provide advice that works without those resources. The point is, the direction I give depends on whether you’re tapping into the program’s support or not. During this conversation, the bookkeeper shared why she wasn’t planning to join—at least not yet. First, it was about cost. She was struggling to find the money. Second, she had participated in a coaching program before that didn’t live up to her expectations, leaving her wary of investing again. This hesitation, this “once bitten, twice shy” mentality, is something I see often. It’s natural to carry baggage from past experiences into new ones, even though it’s as relevant to business relationships as it is to personal ones. I told her what I’ll tell you now: it will cost you significantly more time and money to go it alone than to join my program . Having been a bookkeeper in practice for 14 years and writing a book that shares my secrets, I’ve seen both sides of the equation. I also know the effort, time, and financial investment it takes to build everything from scratch versus leveraging what we provide in the program. I often talk about the Small but Mighty Blueprint . It might surprise you to hear that the type of bookkeeping practice I’m passionate about helping you build doesn’t necessarily involve a large team. If your dream is to scale up with 20 staff members, we can explore that together by looking at your revenue, gross profit, net profit, and time wealth goals. But here’s what I’ve found: you can build a highly profitable practice with fewer than five staff , including yourself, and still enjoy a multi-six-figure income with ample time wealth. Time wealth is about having the freedom to do what you want when you want—a life designed on your terms. However, building such a practice is very different from being self-employed. Being self-employed is closer to having a job. It doesn’t offer scalability or time wealth because it keeps you in a cycle of trading time for money. Running a successful bookkeeping business is about solving problems—not just with your time but with a combination of expertise, skills, intellectual property, and resources. This is the shift in mindset you need as an entrepreneur running a bookkeeping practice. It’s about stepping out of the “time for money” model and seeing the broader value you bring to the table. To achieve this, you need to embrace a business mindset. Michael Gerber explains this beautifully in his book The E-Myth. He points out that the skills needed to run a successful business are vastly different from those required to excel at the technical aspects of a job. Whether you’re a bookkeeper, a plumber, or an electrician, being great at your craft doesn’t automatically translate into business success. This is why many businesses either close within the first five years or limp along, earning less than their owners could make in a well-paying job. Gerber emphasizes the importance of systems, and while I agree, many bookkeepers misinterpret this to mean standard operating procedures (SOPs) for doing the work. While SOPs are essential, they’re only part of the picture. What you really need is a complete ecosystem of systems and processes —front-end and back-end. The front end includes brand marketing and sales strategies, while the back end covers business administration and delivery. Interestingly, the back-end processes are easier to nail down because they’re relatively linear and don’t change as often. By contrast, front-end systems need to adapt constantly to evolving technology, economics, and consumer behavior. This is where many bookkeepers struggle, but it’s also where the greatest opportunities lie. So, what’s involved in building out all the systems, processes, strategies, and assets you need? The time and money you need to invest will depend on whether you’re leveraging the right resources or trying to figure it all out yourself. If you’ve got the Bookkeeping Practice Blueprint—and I know most of you do unless you’re brand new here—you’ll see everything laid out. You should have it printed, maybe even laminated, and keep multiple copies handy. This Blueprint, developed by me, is essentially a business blueprint as well. It outlines everything you need to do and invest in to succeed. If you attempt to build out what I’ve created on your own, you’ll need to recruit and manage a team to execute each part of the Blueprint. For example, starting with your foundation, you’ll need to nail your brand —the personality of your organization and how it connects with your market. This is critically important because your brand underpins assets like your signature brochure, social media, website, and more. You’ll also need a strategic product ladder that aligns with your goals and a killer conversion process to bring clients on board effectively. If these concepts are new to you, I encourage you to grab my book or audiobook . It’s less than six hours long and packed with insights. If you do nothing, nothing will change. So, let me put on my tough coach hat for a moment: to build a thriving bookkeeping practice, you must invest in learning and implementing these elements. Now, let’s talk numbers. To build out everything in the Blueprint, including your brand, website, product ladder, and conversion process, you’d need to invest at least $100,000 as of late 2024. That’s the reality of creating something world-class from scratch. Compare that to my program fee, which at the time of recording is $99 per week, with most members opting for the weekly payment option. This makes the program accessible while allowing you to achieve results that pay for the investment week by week. When you join my program , you’re not just saving money—you’re avoiding the massive trial-and-error process of finding and vetting the right team. Behind the scenes, I’ve already recruited a global dream team with expertise in marketing, copywriting, website design, branding, social media, and more. These are 10 key skill sets that I’ve built into the program to support you. For example, if you need a new website or an upgrade, we’ll connect you with one of the best developers in the world, using intellectual property tailored to bookkeepers. This guarantees you a website that works as a sales machine while costing far less than building it on your own. By joining the program, you gain access to a team of specialists, each dedicated to helping you build and grow your bookkeeping practice effectively. These experts include a marketing strategist, copywriters, branding and graphics professionals, social media experts, system and team specialists, and business development managers. This is all part of how we ensure you avoid the steep costs and endless guesswork of trying to do it alone. Instead, you’ll benefit from a cohesive, proven system. Without this support, many bookkeepers find themselves muddling through, spending years figuring things out while keeping profits low. It’s not just about the money—it’s also about the time you’ll spend trying to learn, hire, and brief the right people. As someone who has been there, I know the mistakes you’ll likely encounter along the way. Trial-and-error isn’t just costly; it’s exhausting. This brings me to the fears many bookkeepers face before joining the program. For some, it’s about money; for others, it’s about the fear of trusting another program after a bad experience. These concerns are valid, but let me share a story. One of my program members, let’s call her Jo, recently told me how hesitant she was to join because of a prior experience with a well-known bookkeeping coach. She’d spent $50,000 on their program and didn’t see any meaningful results. That experience left her disillusioned. Despite her doubts, Jo decided to trust me and join the program. Seven months in, she’s over capacity and has achieved incredible results. Another member had a similar experience. She told me she’d been burned by another program and wasn’t sure she could trust mine. I told her, “Please don’t join if you can’t trust me—we need to start from a place of trust.” That honesty gave her the push she needed, and now she’s thriving. Yes, she’s busy, but that’s the kind of good pain that comes with success: being over capacity because everything is working, and you’re growing faster than expected. Pain often precedes victory. Building a thriving practice, delighting clients, and scaling your business requires effort and commitment . You have to earn the privilege of creating a life on your terms, and sometimes that means pushing through discomfort. The cost of staying in fear, doubt, and indecision is far greater than the cost of taking action. It’s the cost of inaction that keeps so many bookkeepers stuck, unable to grow or achieve their dreams.
- Naming and Taming the Critics (Part 1)
For this special blog post, you'll be getting content straight out of our induction series for The Transformation Program – which will also be one of a two-part series I'm doing. I've taken this out of the program in order to create a part two, because, one of our program members has actually asked me to go deeper on this subject. So I was thinking, maybe what I'll do is share this with the general community and then create the rest of the content to help more bookkeepers around mindset, around naming the critics, around creating health, wealth, and happiness through mindset mastery, which is definitely what it's all about. I will let you know that in the background, I am just daydreaming and preparing to roll out The Healthy Bookkeeper, which will level up the kind of content that I provide everybody in this space. So what you'll be reading is very much from The Healthy Bookkeeper. When I put my Healthy Bookkeeper hat on, I absolutely want to inspire women globally to put themselves first. That is, put their physical, mental, and spiritual health first. And today's blog post is definitely linked to all of that. I would actually love to hear what you think after reading this so please feel free to shoot me an email or drop a comment into our private Facebook group. Now in terms of helping you to step out of a place of any fear, anxiety and that kind of thing, into a place of courage and confidence in getting it done, I want to introduce you to the concept that I've come up with of the three critics. Now, we all go through periods of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, monster imposter syndrome, all of these things, okay? This is part of the human condition, which is shame. Completely normal. The research by Brené Brown states that if we learn to embrace the fact that shame is the human condition and not try and bury and avoid it and say, I don't go through shame, that is key to success and finding that contentment in life where we are able to step into a place of feeling that, call it evenness. We all have the voice of shame that comes up on our shoulder and says, who do you think you are? You can't do that – and that puts us into a place or moments of anxiety, of fear, of uncertainty, of I'm not worthy of all of these things. Now, I'd like to connect that to the critics in my own words as I have come up with this over time. From time to time, I've heard people around me say things like, the people say this and the people say that, and they say it in a way as in people criticising me. So for example, oh, people tell me that I can never achieve that. Or people said, I can't sell my house for this value. Or people said, I'll never be able to stick to that eating plan. And I've found myself asking, who are the people? And oftentimes I'm told, well, just people generally. And I say, well, hang on a sec, tell me exactly who it is, is it family, friends? Is it a particular friend? I've asked myself, who are the people that are criticising you, Jeannie? Because, I would like to think – and I have observed in my experience is that on the whole, most people, family, friends, community, business buddies, colleagues, whatever – majority of people are actually cheering us on and are supportive of what we can do. So I believe it's really important to name and tame the critics you have. I think, ultimately, there are three primary types of critics that we need to name and tame. Number one is the accidental critic. That is, more often than not, like a family member. And one of the primary examples I use is the parent-child relationship. You see it in sitcoms and in movies where the parent kind of throws bouquets with bricks in it. Maybe they don't realise, maybe it's the dynamic, but the parent is critical of the child. This is in an adult relationship, and the parent becomes critical of the child. And, criticism from a parent at any age can be quite crippling. And so this leads to the people are criticising me, the people are putting me down, but realistically, it's often the accidental critic, as I call it. I'll give you an example of what happened to a friend of mine. This friend had quite a lot of success and his father said to him one day, "You are so successful, son, I'm so proud of you. I am just absolutely amazed, immensely proud... ...and to think, I thought you were the child of mine who was least likely to do anything with their life." That's what I call the accidental critic – because the father, without maybe thinking about it, has accidentally thrown a bouquet with a brick in it and criticised the shit out of this person, out this adult, by saying, well done on your success. And I thought you were never going to get there. It's the accidental critic that can make us absolutely crumble and self-doubt and absolutely feeds the voice of shame on our shoulders. So that voice of shame is sitting there waiting to be fed. And this critic feeds the voice of shame who then says, haha, I told you you're not worthy. You're no good. Who do you think you are? Imposter syndrome. Now, if we can name the accidental critic, we can more likely tame the accidental critic. Name it to tame it, an old school counselling tool. So if I name that critic, I can kind of turn it into something funny and I can say to the voice of shame, "I hear you. However, I am also a human. I am worthy. I'm a human, and I know my values and my self-worth is attached to being human and my values. And so while I'm proud of my own success, I'm also just a beautifully flawed human being, stumbling along with the illusion of control like everyone else." Now the second critic is the I'm not okay, you're not okay critic. This is a psychology 101 concept. This happens for some people, alright? And I kind of have a joke in my head and I call them basic people. Because if you don't really fully understand "I'm okay, you're okay" and you just are at the mercy of your own emotions and feelings, you can easily let it spill over to others and project your stuff on them. Some people absolutely do this, and what happens is if they're not feeling okay – like someone who's in a bit of a shame and vulnerability sh*tstorm – what they may do is kind of throw bouquets with bricks in them at you, which is like an insult wrapped in a compliment in order to make you feel shitty, because they feel shitty. And it is a psychology 101 thing. And when that happens, I think it's important to recognise the situation as it is. The people who do this actually do it frequently. Whenever they're in a poor place, whenever they're in a difficult place, they will throw bouquets with bricks in them in order to "I'm not okay, You're not okay". And when they're in a great place, they will be like, "I'm okay, you're okay". They want to bring people down with them in order to make themselves feel better. And look, I absolutely know quite a few people like this because, again, it's a basic psychology thing. They don't mean it to be horrible, but they do it because they're probably not as in control of their emotions and maybe their behaviour as some other people. So it's not something that I tend to think, that's a terrible person. I think that's a person doing the "I'm not okay, you're not okay". So when that person criticises us, once again, if we can name it to tame it... let's say this person's name is Janet. "I've seen Janet do this before. This is Janet's pattern. She's doing the "I'm not okay, you're not okay". It's actually not an attack on me – although it is an attack, but I'm going to name it to tame it and tell the voice of shame. I know you love this, I know it's feeding you, but I'm not going to buy into this." The very last critic is actually the biggest critic of them all. Can you guess who that critic is? The biggest critic of them all is ourselves. And the two critics actually just serve to feed the critic that is ourselves. And the critic that is ourselves is the voice of shame. It is the voice of shame on your shoulder saying, who do you think you are? Which is the human condition. If you have the voice of shame, if you suffer imposter monster, if you suffer anxiety, fear, congratulations, you're not a sociopath or psychopath. Shame is the human condition and it is the biggest critic. It is ourselves. So when one of these other people criticises us, it seeds the major critic waiting for confirmation bias that I'm not good enough, I can't do this, I'm not built for this, et cetera, et cetera. And so what's important is to name them to tame them, and to tame them is really just about self-awareness and breathing through it, making room for shame and vulnerability, and making room to kind of, for me, I try and have a little humour in my own head and just name it and go, "That's kind of funny. That's the human condition and I get it. It makes me feel like sh*t, but it makes everyone feel like sh*t. I can take heart in the fact that I'm just human." So I just want you to think about, is that new to you? Do you relate to the three critics? How can you move forward in your life in order to name and tame the critics, in order to be able to move out of fear and anxiety and imposter monster and freezing and all of these things, in order to move out of that into a place of courage and confidence and vulnerability – which is very, very important. And, if you read Brené Brown's work, in a place where you can breathe, make room for shame, and simply take action and move past it. How can you use what I've told you in order to do better in business and life? If this stuff is hard for you, go back and read it all over again, as often as you need to. If it's not hard for you, great, but it is hard for the majority of people all over the world. So what are you going to do next time you hear one of the critics? If you hear yourself say, the people tell me I can't do it. The people tell me I'm not good enough. The people say you'll never stick to that thing. Then, can you take a moment, breathe, revisit this blog post, and then actually say, well, let's sit down and work out who the people are. I suggest that's one person or two people primarily feeding the voice of shame, that is the biggest critic, which is ourselves. Whenever you hear yourself say the people, I want you to stop and say there is no the people. Name the person, name the type of critic they are. Name it to tame it, make room, and grow personally and professionally. #critics #tamingthecritics #shame #handlingshame #bookkeepermindset #mindset #productivity #healthybookkeeper #healthymindset #businessimprovement #bookkeepereducation #successfulbookkeeping #bookkeepingbusiness #bookkeepingsuccess #bookkeepingpractice #strategicbookkeeping #bookkeeper #bookkeepingselfhelp #jeanniesavage #thestrategicbookkeeper #thrivingbookkeeping #bookkeeping #ebook #freeebook #bookkeepingguide #bookkeeperguide #tsbtransformationprogram
- Book Club
I am running a book club! And today, I'm going to explain why I'm running the book club, how you can register to join, and what's exactly in it for you. Whether you've read my book or not, I have created this book club for you – yes, it's about reading the book, but it's also about implementing what you learn. I'd like to start by telling you why I have created book club. So, it has been really busy with the Transformation Program rolling out (and just to be crystal clear, you can still join in!). Now, prior to the program opening, it was pretty crazy busy to say the least. And then after the doors have opened, I have been very narrowly focused and dedicated to the tribe. With that, I decided to book in a little Latin dancing holiday in Sydney for a festival. You probably know I'm a Latin dancer, and I booked that because I knew that I had that to aim for, because, it has been very hard to tear myself away from the tribe, from the members of the Transformation Program – from The Strategic Bookkeeper Project generally. It absolutely is my life's work. I love it, but, I also know it's healthy to take a break and switch off. So, I booked this holiday and I arrived and went to my accommodation, and my roommates had already headed into the venue. I was all by myself, and I then decided to jump on and have a look at my private members' feed (i.e. the Transformation Program Facebook group private members). Then, there was this thread and the first part of the thread was from one of our members, Andrew, and he was talking about how much he had noticed the impact of communication, good and bad, on all different types of businesses, and he was really blown away and it led to some other members chiming in and talking about other really impactful parts of what we're doing in the program. And honestly, the results that I'm seeing and the way that post made me feel – it motivated me to help more people. And so to help more bookkeepers globally, I came up with Book Club. So in a nutshell, that is the why behind why I've done book club. I think results in any realm, even if it's personal result, when you're aiming for something... let's say you are doing an exercise routine and you see results – it motivates you to get more results. Whereas when you struggle to get results, it actually demotivates you. And, seeing the results that the tribe members are getting has motivated me to do more, and it always does, which is one of the reasons it's hard to tear myself away. But, like I said, I know it's healthy to switch off and disconnect. So now, I'd love to just talk to you about more of the what's involved in Book Club, how you can register and what's in it for you. The book club is about my book, The Strategic Bookkeeper: My Secret Sauce Recipe to Creating a Thriving Practice by Becoming a Strategic Bookkeeper. After basically 13 years in practice, I shared my secrets to success in this tell-all book. And if you haven't read it, I know there's a lot about my backstory that you're not going to know, and so you can grab your free copy of the eBook HERE. Now, that is the book, and the book club that I am going to run is to help bookkeepers globally with a few things. So number one, to hold them accountable to actually read the book because this is a how-to guide. Number two, if you have already read the book, then I would like you to come into book club and read it chapter by chapter again with me, okay? We're all going to do it together in order to implement. In the Transformation Program, there are five keys to how I help my participants get results around my seven-ingredient methodology. So that is: Education, Assets, Implementation, Team and Support. And it is the same for you – even if you're not in the program! With education, you need to learn what you need to learn, and then assets, you need to build key digital assets. That might be build or renovate your website and other brand assets like social media. You do need to make sure that you have developed your brand, that's your organization's personality. Your menu should be a key digital asset. And all of that's explained in the book and so on. Now, once you learn and build, you need to implement. So that's step three. Then step four is team. You will need and you do need team to help you with this kind of thing. In the program, we're kind of like the team behind everything because the program is the done-for-you option. It's quite layered, but the first layer of team as a member of the program is that you've basically got the entire Strategic Bookkeeper HQ, which includes myself as a veteran, bookkeeper, trainer and coach, a world-class business strategist, a marketing copywriter, a branding specialist, a graphic designer, a search engine optimization expert, a systems and team expert, and so on. So when you come into the program and you pay a fee, part of the value behind that fee is a team that you leverage. And then we have the little black book as well where we direct bookkeepers to remarkable kinds of people and tech, as well as to special deals that we've made. For example, a recent one which is just so incredible – I shook hands with an incredible web developer to create websites for bookkeepers within 48 hours, which leverages our intellectual property to create the best bookkeeping websites I've ever seen, for only $50 a month including hosting. (Honestly, even I struggled to believe that when I did that deal!) For you in the team part, if you're not in the program, you just need to think about who you're going to need to pay, so to speak, to do all the things that need to be done. And absolutely, if you want to do these things yourself, you can. For me, I think we can't win the football game without all the right players in the right positions. And then there's step five, which is support. In terms of the program, you can imagine that the support is actually all the support you get from HQ, but the support of the tribe as they interact in the Facebook group is always what I knew would be impactful, and it's incredible! Right now, outside of the tribe is this Book Club, and you are going to get support from me and support from each other. When I talk to bookkeepers and I ask them, have you read my book? – I get three answers. One answer is, no. The next is, I've started it and the next is, I've finished it. Now, book club is ideal for you if you are in any of those camps because to rinse and repeat, I'm going to hold you accountable to reading it, and hold you accountable to implementation. Now, I picked up a great book recently called Atomic Habits and I've done one pass of that book. But, I'm going to read it again, and then I'm going to use the hard copy as a how-to guide. It really reminds me of my book – and it's even the same length! (Less than six hours long!) So, how to register: head to the Book Club, sign up, and then you are going to get an email from us welcoming you, together with links to the book formats. And, I really need you to grab the book in whatever formats you like. Grab the free eBook, grab the audio book, grab the hardcover – or better yet, grab them all! My favourite format to start with is actually the audio book because you can use it multitasking. You can either be the healthy bookkeeper and listen to the audio book while you're going for a walk, or you can just be the busy multitasking mama or dad. You could be at the play centre, multitasking as a parent, and you can really digest that content as a first pass. Now, I am actually listening to my own audio book at the moment, and I bought it on Audible. I've got access to different formats, but I really like to have it on my audible, and I thought, well, I'm just going to jump on and buy it. I'm listening to myself on 1.2 speed to prepare for book club, because I want to refresh myself as much as possible on exactly what's inside the book, so I can share fresh insights for you and fresh insights off the back of lessons from the tribe. So I do love the audio book, and I also love the hardcover. You can use it, write in it, highlight in it, that kind of thing. I call it Harry Potter style, if you remember the scene with the potions and the book, so you can write all over it. But, I also like the eBook because you can use control find. I've got the eBook open right now, and even I've done it before – you can go ctrl + F for find, and then you can search keywords and you can choose your own adventure. So next, when you sign up, we will continue to email you gently. We won't spam you – just to kind of remind you around the book, okay? Now, if you happen to read the whole book through before the official start of book club, great. All I need you to do as a bare ass minimum is read chapter one before December 4 in Australia, which is a Monday. December 4 is going to be the official start of book club where I turn up live in our Facebook group, The Strategic Bookkeeper's Way, to share fresh insights around each chapter week on week, and we're going to do one chapter per week. And so as I go on Facebook and share insights, I would like you to jump in and join the discussion. For example, week one, we're all going to be narrowly focused on chapter one, and we are going to create a discussion group in Facebook. You are going to be able to ask any questions with an open heart and an open mind. We're going to find our courage and the confidence to ask questions, even if we feel kind of icky about it. I know for me, in years past, if I was in an industry event and I didn't really understand a particular concept, I wasn't always confident to ask. And so I'm going to ask you to come in and have the confidence to name it to tame it, and just ask the questions. As we get into a discussion, I'm going to answer questions and share more insights with content all week about the chapter, so that you can deepen your learning and really understand everything in that chapter and begin to implement, or make a plan to implement. You will get emails from us week on week, just reminding you which chapter we're up to, asking you to read that chapter in advance. As I said, if you've read the whole book before we start, amazing – but if you haven't, this is me in book club turning up to hold you accountable to get it done. In terms of the discussion group, week on week, some of you are going to be more about implementation, and I'm sure some of you are going to be more around clarifying concepts, which is more education. Book club will run for eight weeks over the December-January period, which in Australia, is summer and Christmas period. I have absolutely got guests coming to stay with me. I've got a beautiful dance teacher who's now living in Germany, one of my besties coming to stay for most of the time, and more friends and family. But, I actually think this is a great time if you're taking time off with the kids, just to spend that time engaged in something creative. This is a creative process so that you start 2024 off armed with what you need to build your thriving practice. So now, I'd like to come full circle. We started with why, we moved into the what, and I'd like to circle back to the why I've done this, but also what's in it for you. I have created this book club project in order to help more bookkeepers all around the world, right? I want to help more bookkeepers with what they're feeling, with what they're doing. I want to spark a desire to move in the direction of success, and that is to learn what you need to learn first. So absolutely, this is why I've created Book Club for you – to hold you accountable. Book Club is completely free to join and get involved in and to do with me. I have created this for bookkeepers globally at no cost, in order to help you to thrive in practice. I have no doubt that by joining the book club and interacting in book club for that eight-week period, you will find ways to build and maintain a highly profitable bookkeeping practice. When I talked to bookkeepers even months and months ago who had read my book and I chatted to them about the different things they were doing, they were absolutely getting runs on the board, and I want to help you get runs on the board. Ultimately, this is about helping you make the transformation from bookkeeper to strategic bookkeeper, whether you are joining the Transformation Program or not. Now, if you would like to back yourself and go for it, absolutely. The doors to the program are wide open. We are still celebrating foundation members, and you can jump into the Program and join today. If you are not ready to do that yet, then Book Club is ideal for you. Becoming a strategic bookkeeper solves all the major problems bookkeepers have, which I think can be summarised by how to find onboard and retain clients without price as a priority, how to build and maintain your highly profitable practice, how to have fun while you're doing it, how to stay relevant in a world of automation, AI, robotics, and actually cheap labour — becoming a strategic bookkeeper, I promise you, solves all these problems. How do I know I've done exactly that? Well, you'll read about that in my book. The thing that I like to say, and definitely what is always in my heart every day for bookkeepers globally, is that I want to help you to build a thriving practice, delight your clients, and live your dream on your terms. And I always say, this is linear. You need to build the thriving practice, or you can't delight anyone. And it's only then that you get the privilege of living your dream on your terms, and that is the income and lifestyle that you want and deserve – just like I achieved five years into my practice. So now, I would encourage you, no matter what you're feeling... I actually do a lot of work with our bookkeepers around mindset and productivity. Mindset being fear and overwhelm, because the barriers to getting things done isn't always a lack of knowledge. So, if you're in a place of fear, or if you're feeling really motivated, whatever you're feeling right now, I actually encourage you to do something they say in Atomic Habits. It's like a two-minute rule. Just take action for the next two minutes. Jump on to Book Club and just register. This is 100% free to join and participate in. Just take the next action step, my friends. Let me be your coach. Let me hold you accountable. We'll then nurture you through exactly what you need to do next. I will show off and surprise and delight you, more than I've told you in this blog – that's just how I roll. And to quickly refresh on the dates, Book Club officially starts December 4, so it's about reading as much of the book as you can before that. But, if life got in the way and you've read nothing by December 4, that's okay! I'm going to be in there, holding you accountable. I really hope to see you during Book Club week x
- The Entrepreneur's Journey
In today's post, I want to talk to you about the entrepreneur's journey, which is the journey that you've chosen to take if you work for yourself. And, I want to talk to you about what that means, and how you can deal with the rollercoaster that it can be – and rather than letting it take you so much on the highs and lows, how you can understand more about what's going on, and how it compares to the journey you haven't chosen, which is to work in a job. We'll then wrap it all up with how you can use what you learn today to actually do better in your practice, and also do better in your life. That is, to be less stressed, to have less of the ups and downs, and to feel less of the things that I sometimes see in the members of my Transformation Program. When I see and feel my program members go through the ups and downs, I really think that understanding the entrepreneur's journey that they have chosen, that we have chosen (and all the wonderful benefits and why we did it) – when you understand that, then it's going to really help you to avoid those lows. I love to say that there are three real big moving parts to success in business, and they are mechanics, mindset, and productivity. Mechanics being the stuff you've got to do, and all the things that you've got to do to run your business. Rules of the game. Mindset, that even if you've given all the mechanics, unless you can master your mindset, everything can tend to fall apart. And honestly, I can give two people the same mechanics, the same great toolkit, and one will have success and one won't. And in terms of productivity, it's really important as an entrepreneur to time smith. People often say to me, Jeannie, oh my goodness, how the hell do you get so much done? And I've been asked that so much lately that I kind of reflected myself, and it's back to mechanics, mindset, and productivity. With mechanics, I'm really big on the 5% that does 95%. I don't do all the things. Mindset – I do really well around mindset. And when it comes to productivity, well, back to that: I do the 5% activities. I'm very, very efficient. I live by a lot of productivity rules, including Atomic Habits and The Science of When. But again, I'm also really good at not doing things when it comes to productivity. I say no to a lot, and I do not do activities that only give me a 5% result. In terms of the entrepreneur's journey, it's absolutely a rollercoaster. And what I've observed in my program members who are all over the world and who I'm very close with in a private Facebook group, when they do open hearts and open minds and share freely how they're feeling, I notice the highs and the lows. I notice that all of them, with no exception, go through these highs of I'm getting winds, I'm feeling great. And then the lows that come with something's gone wrong, maybe there's like, they might call it an emergency. I see them go through these highs and lows regardless of who they are, regardless of whether they're one of my really high achievers, or they're a bookkeeper who's a little more slow and steady – they all tend to go through these. And as I looked and observed and listened, I thought to myself, I think part of what's happening here is that all of us start out in life working in a job. Most of us that traditionally grew up, we all ended up getting a job. We worked in a job for a very long time, and most of us for maybe a couple of decades or at least a decade, before we ever became an entrepreneur. We all worked in a job for a very, very, very, very long time, and so our habits, what we know, and our mindset is around a job. And so in terms of a job, we go to work, we get paid time for money. We get paid an hourly rate for the work that we do – we don't get paid for outcomes, we get paid for hours. Sure, outcomes are expected, but we're getting paid for hours. We clock in, we clock out. We're expected to be there at a certain time. We are accountable to someone, whether that's the owner of the business or a manager or whoever. There's someone over and above us. We don't own the business. And at the end of the day, when we leave and we go home, we leave our job behind regardless of the amount of responsibility you have. And let me tell you right now, I have had so much responsibility in jobs before, but I know as an entrepreneur, there is no comparing what it is in your own business to what it was like when you had a job. So at the end of the day, you go home – if their business burns down, it's not really you that's impacted. All the risk sits with the business owner or the shareholders or whoever. And in that job, you get the same pay every week. So that is certainty. There's a lot of structure, certainty is very high, and the risk is very low. You're getting the same pay all the time, you get four weeks annual leave. If you're in Australia, for example, if you're sick, you have sick pay. Now, my idea here is that this is ingrained in your mind. You've been doing this for a long time – this is what you got used to, and then you go on to be an entrepreneur. Now, whether you've been an entrepreneur for five minutes, five years, or 15 years, the entrepreneur's journey, compared to a job, is high risk. Entrepreneurs carry lots and lots of risk. It is far less certainty. You've got uncertainty, you've got lots of risk, and there's no one above you. You are wholly and solely responsible for everyone. You can't abdicate all the responsibilities lie with you. You have to be a leader. You have to be a manager. The buck stops with you. Every fail is your fault. Every win is your fault. I would say that being in a job is kind of being on a train, going at a regular speed, easy peasy. And being an entrepreneur is like a roller coaster. And when I see my beautiful bookkeepers and business owners alike get down in the dumps and have what I call doona days, I honestly think that it's linked to them wanting the things or craving the things that come with the job. What I think would be really helpful in terms of our mindset is if we stopped for a minute and we kind of said, okay, imagine that the job is kind of like France. So the job is going to France, and France is beautiful, and being an entrepreneur is like Italy. And Italy is gorgeous too, but they're two very different destinations and there's no point being in Italy and pining for France, you might as well enjoy Italy. That is one way of looking at it. But the other way of looking at it is simply that when you have the rollercoaster of the uncertainty and all these things, when you get down about it, stop, take a breath and remind yourself, this is the entrepreneur's journey and it's the journey that I chose. Remind yourself of why you chose that journey, and how you get a whole lot of things that being in a job wouldn't give you. Because, I get that it is a roller coaster, and I get that it has ups and downs – I get that it requires a lot more effort mentally and physically than a job will ever demand of you. And so I want to share my experience of my own, my story of going into business for myself, the entrepreneur's journey. I absolutely worked for other people, worked for my family, worked for lots of corporations, big and small. And when I was working in a job, I really did enjoy the parts of it. I had a job for a while, and then I went back to being an entrepreneur eventually. And in the break between my entrepreneurial journey where I went from entrepreneur to job, then back to entrepreneur, it was funny, I guess I had experienced everything as an entrepreneur. When I went back to a job, I was listening to everyone around me complain about all these things to do with their job. And all I could think is, this is awesome. I get to come to work and I just do a job – I get the same pay every week. And, I really enjoyed the benefits while I had it because I had perspective that I always wanted to go back to being an entrepreneur. Because, the thing is, I just didn't like the boredom of working in a job. I found the boredom, like, water torture. I had to be at work at a certain time. I was getting paid an hourly rate regardless of me having a much bigger impact on the organisation. I mean, generally, I was indispensable. Literally. It was like, if anything happens to Jeannie, this place is going to fall apart. But, it doesn't mean you get a whole lot more money for it. Not like if you create something in your own business – extraordinary, you get the financial rewards as well as the wonderful reward, the impact you're having on those you serve. So when I was in a job, it was like, I get kind of really bored because I don't get to set my own challenges, like big challenges and solve big problems. And I would hunt out the challenges and the problems and I would solve them for other people, but I didn't get to set and solve the ones myself. And on the whole, regardless of how I really felt about decisions made by management, if I thought, that's ridiculous, I just kind of had to suck it up. I remember once at a job where two people in a department showed me how they completed a task, and I burst out laughing and I said, I will not be doing it that way. And they just looked at me stony faced. I struggled with doing the inefficient. I wanted to do it my way. So these are the things that we don't get in a job – we don't get to do it our way. We don't get to decide what time we go to work. We don't get to decide what time we finish work. We have to run at somebody else's schedule. On the whole, we often don't get to create anything of our own, and that is a real human need to build and to create. And when we choose the entrepreneur's journey, we're choosing all these things. Ask most people, why did you go into business for yourself? Well, they were really good technicians. They wanted to be rewarded for their effort. They wanted freedom and flexibility to decide when they worked, and they wanted financial rewards. And so when we become an entrepreneur, I know that those things aren't there instantly, and they are not always there all the time. The entrepreneur's journey is, it can be ups and downs, it can be risk, and it can be really hard work. For a while there, we might find ourselves working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and we think, hang on a sec, I'm working longer hours than I was in a job. When the ups and downs happen, when you are dealing with all of this, here's what I want you to remember. If, like me, when I was actually launching my passion project this year, The Strategic Bookkeeper – the entire project, my book, my podcast, my program – off the back of 14 years in business, in my bookkeeping practice, I worked 12 hours a day. I worked seven days a week. I missed out on all my favourite Latin dance events. I made sacrifices and none of it got me down, because number one, I'm not afraid of hard work. Number two, when friends kind of said, you can't work that hard, I thought, they don't get it. They work in jobs. And me, I'm not really working. I'm building. I'm creating. I'm investing in something that is going to have an impact on people's lives and have an impact on my life financially and by way of purpose. So as an entrepreneur, when you have the ups and downs, and I absolutely have the massive ups as well, but I've actually learned to kind of cool them down because when we have big wins, it's great. But I think, the journey is what I love the most. I remember when I launched, after 15 years of wanting to do this, in the end, the launch, it was great. It was exciting for the team, but it's the journey, and it will always be the journey. So when you have the ups and downs, when you have to work harder, when you've maybe got to work in a job and you've got to go and build your business as well, no matter what you've got to do, no matter what hours you've got to work, keep in mind that successful entrepreneurs, my friends— they do the things that others won't. You need to go the extra mile. You need to be prepared to put in the hard work and the long work to reap the rewards. When I work seven days, 12 hours a day in the middle of this year with Covid, with the flu, when I kept going... The last couple of weeks, I've worked a day here and there, go on holidays, spend time with my child, do whatever I want, and then I'll put in the work when necessary. I love that, and I'm okay with that. So when you have the ups and downs, I really want you to pause for a minute and think about the journey that you've chosen, and be okay with the pros and the cons. If you are in Italy, the entrepreneur's journey, and you've decided, I really, really, really would rather be in France, fly to France, go and get a job, nothing's stopping you. You could jump online, you can get a job, and you can enjoy the benefits of low risk and high certainty and all of that thing, if you are prepared to cop all the cons that come with a job. The key takeaway I want for you here is I really want this to be about helping you to minimise the highs and the lows, and to really dive into the science and art of what you've chosen here. You've chosen the entrepreneur's journey. When it gets hard, dig in, grit your teeth. Celebrate wins, because every win is yours to celebrate, and every loss is yours to accept. You are wholly and solely responsible for the success. And when things go wrong, it's up to us to say, everything in my business is my fault. Grit your teeth, work hard, and work smart. In the Transformation Program, I give my bookkeepers an entire system, a blueprint for success, as they call it. So don't make excuses – go out and find people like me who can support you. We absolutely do that in thestrategicbookkeeper.global for bookkeepers, and betterinbusiness.global for entrepreneurs. Stop making excuses. Go out and get help. Grit your teeth, keep pushing through. Work hard until a point that you can work smart, until you can learn to scale, and scale your business just like I have done. Working smarter rather than harder means doing less. Or, the same work for more impact, and more impact is more profitability, financial reward, and time reward for yourself and more impact on those you serve. I really do hope that this blog helps you take a breath and remind yourself never again to complain in your own mind that you're not in France, because you've chosen to be in Italy – you've chosen the entrepreneur's journey. I want you to embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly, because I want you to think this is where I wanted to be so that I am the master of my own destiny. Now, that also means that sometimes, you just have to work hard and make hard decisions. I always say to my entrepreneurial clients, I won't necessarily ask you to work harder, I am 100% going to ask you to make harder decisions, and I know they're hard. I had to make a really hard one the other day, and I had to take my friend hat off and put my business hat on. These days, I'm black and white and linear. I play by the rules of the game and I play to win, which is something I've really embraced. Business is very black and white. Especially when it comes to the administration of your business, which is leading, managing, delivery standard operating procedures, administration standard operating procedures – there is generally one way to do things in the backend. I embraced just doing it the right way and never making excuses. And I suggest you do too. I really do hope that this post has clarified why you might feel those highs and lows, feeling like, I don't have certainty. There's so much risk. Yeah, there is. Guess what? It's not going away. You can minimise risk, you can increase certainty, but you've chosen the entrepreneur's journey, and it is a wonderful journey that I will remain on for the rest of my life, my friends. I think it is the most wonderful journey to embrace, to grit our teeth, to put in the hard work, to reap the rewards of the incredible business, the empires that we build, and to celebrate the impact that we have on people globally and their families.
- 2024 Architecture your life
For today's short yet punchy blog post, I would love to help you do a bit of a 2024 work-life reset. To do that, I'm going to first direct you to a podcast that I recorded for my betterinbusiness.global platform called the 2023 Work-Life Reset – it's really short and quick, but it's going to give you some great ideas to set you up for success in 2024. And then to shake things up a little bit, I'm giving you this blog as something new to add on to that. So, listen to the 2023 Work-Life Reset first, okay? It's fast, it's 20 minutes, and I used the formula that I talk about in there to impact my life for 2023, and it was really cool, and I know other people that it impacted really, really quickly. Now, diving into the heart of this post, I want to encourage you to architecture your life for 2024, which is something that I talk to my clients and my friends about a fair bit. My business buddies, my entrepreneurial friends, my clients, when they come to me and they say, oh, this is happening for me and I think I need to fix this, and I think I need to do this, and I talk to them about their businesses, whether that is in a formal setting as a business coach or an informal setting, I always find myself saying to them, look, what are you doing it all for? And then, I ask them to go away and architecture their life. I did this with some clients recently and they were so excited. It's seriously the end game. We can talk about the mechanics of business all we want, however, we need to always be coming back to why we're doing it all. Now, as entrepreneurs, our businesses should give us a lot of purpose. If you don't love your business, you need to make changes in order to love your business, or, you get out of it. If I meet an entrepreneur that tells me that they hate their business, either I help them change that very quickly, or I exit plan with them, okay? You don't stay in a business you hate. This blog is not really to tell you how to fix your business, or how to exit plan, but if you want a hand with that, just reach out to me anytime. Onto architecturing your life – what do I mean by that? And how are you going to do it? Most of the entrepreneurs I work with tend to be moms and dads. But even if you're not a mom or a dad, all the same. I want you to just think about what you want your day-to-day life to look like in the short term, in the medium term, in the long term. And, this usually relates to a few things. First of all, there is your mental, spiritual, and physical health – how are you going in terms of these three? So physically, are you getting the time to keep yourself physically fit? Are you moving enough? Are you eating enough? How's your mental health? How's your spiritual health? And to give myself as an example, absolutely, in my life, I come first. I believe everybody should put themselves first. That is how we show up for those we love and serve as our best selves. I believe that we should all prioritise our own physical, mental, spiritual health first. That's what I do. Now, as an entrepreneur, it's a bit of a rollercoaster and so sometimes, I have to sacrifice a little bit of the things that I want to do, in an effort to maybe kick some goals. An example is when I was rolling out my passion project in about mid this year, I didn't get to go to my favourite Latin dance events. I had to skip Latin school sometimes. And dancing is actually my spiritual health. I mean, it probably keeps me a bit fit, but it is my spiritual health. So when I skip that, I say to myself, it's okay to do that a few times, but it can't continue, because, in terms of architecturing of my life, that needs to happen. And then for my physical health, there's certain movement activities I like to do. I love to cook, beautiful, nourishing food. And if any of that is suffering, I take stock of that. In terms of my mental health, I invest on personal growth activities, journaling, and things like that. So, how do these things look for you right now? Are you pretty much most of the time getting all those things on point? Are you putting yourself first? Because if you're not, and if you're a mom... Because mom's often laugh and go, that's hilarious, Jeannie, we can't come first. We have to put our kids first. — No, you don't. That's not true. You'll show up for your children as your best self if you learn to put yourself first, okay? If you don't know my story, I have talked about it a lot, but I had to learn the hard way to put myself first. So absolutely, take stock of where you are right now as you architecture your life. What do you want to get in terms of your physical, mental, and spiritual health? Where are you now? Where do you want to be? You need to make your plan. What does 10 out of 10 putting yourself first, physical, mental, and spiritual health look like for you, for your spouse, for your children, et cetera? And then, that links through to time-money equation, or the income and lifestyle equation. How much money do you need to make, save, and invest for your own point of satisfaction? Now, point of satisfaction in terms of money is a phrase that came out of the mouth of Angela Savage, my amazing cousin. She's an author, she's represented Australia at the Geneva Conference, and she's one of those humans that you're in a room with them, they open their mouth and your jaw just drops. And I remember, she once said to my father who is a massively successful entrepreneur, I think everybody needs to just consider their own point of satisfaction when it comes to money. And that has simply stayed with me forever. So, it's not for me to determine your point of satisfaction. It is for you to architecture your life. I've been asked over the years why I don't work more, why I take so much time off, and it does make me laugh. I think, oh my goodness, time wealth – I want to be super rich in time. I want my point of satisfaction in terms of money, but I want to be super time rich so I can prioritise my mental, spiritual, and physical health, so that I can do all the amazing things that I want to do in this life. And to quote Hunter S. Thompson: Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather, a skid in broadside, in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow! What a ride!" I love that quote so much. So hey, time wealth. I'm actually hoping to be heading to Cuba early next year. I will dance in Cuba day and night, enjoy my life. I could work 10 times more than I am now and make 10 times more money, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to have me arrive at the gates of heaven having done everything I wanted to do. So architecture in our life, it's about time and money. When it comes to money wealth, I just want you to think, what do you need to earn? And of that, what are the investments that I want to make in terms of setting myself up for retirement, et cetera? And then, how much time do I want? So you need to do a bit of a What's happening now? Where do I want to be? How much time do I want for myself to spend on mental, physical, spiritual health? Are there hobbies and dreams you've got? Do you want to take up another hobby? Basically, I want you to think about the time equation. How much time are you spending with your kids? I think we never get enough time with our kids. With my son, he's at home, he's not in school. And when I've got a week where I feel like I don't have as much on, I've said to him, we're going to do a detox from tech and we're going to spend a week where I'm really passionate about the absence of toxic vegetable oils in our diet. And, it's almost impossible to do, but I do it. But to do that, I want to make sure my son doesn't miss out. So whatever he wants to eat, I'm going to go to the supermarket with him, buy all the ingredients, and make absolutely anything and everything without vegetable oil, and only using beautiful fats. So yeah, that is going to consume our entire week like crazy. Now, that to me sounds amazing, but that is the gift of time. So I want you to ask yourself, what does your time wealth look like right now? Where do you want it to be? What does your money wealth look like right now in terms of cash to live on, and then your assets? Because in terms of investing in building wealth, realistically, I call it the five-point plan. There's earn money, save money, borrow money, invest, and then leverage, and then repeat, right? Or definitely you go invest, leverage, repeat, because you just need to be leveraging and buying more assets. It's actually not rocket science. If you just want to invest in real estate and you're fairly smart about it, you can't go too wrong. A girlfriend of mine, she's in her mid-thirties, she's got 4 million in real estate and 2 million of it is leveraged, meaning she has 2 million in loans across 4 million in real estate. She just has a regular job. So she saved her money. She then borrowed money, she bought property, she leveraged the equity and the property to borrow more money, and then she kept buying more property. In terms of architecturing your life, it's the time and money equation. If you have a spouse, you need to do this with your spouse, or get them to read this blog, okay? Then, together, you want to absolutely sit and digest this concept of putting yourself first. Really lean into this absolute truth that every psychologist, every sufi, every master will tell you: putting yourself first is key to how you will show up your best self for those you love and serve. Go to a whiteboard, get a pen and paper out. Write down "My top three priorities are: First, myself – my mental, spiritual, physical health. Then my second priority is... whatever you decide it is. My third priority is, whatever you decide it is, but I want you to come up with three priorities, and I want priority one to be yourself. That's your first action step, and then your second action step, I want you to sit down and write down "income, lifestyle". And under that, I want you to write "money, time"– because that's what these are about. And then, I want you to do a bit of a now-future analysis. In terms of income, money, I want you to put, okay, I'm earning this now I'm saving this now. If it's nothing, that's fine. It's just awareness. Awareness, acceptance, actions. That's how change happens, okay? The three A's. So what is your income? How much are you saving? What do your assets look like right now? And then in the future, whether that's tomorrow, a year, whatever, you might be unhappy with that income or I want to be earning more, and then, I want to be saving X amount, and I want to be investing this. And actually, within the next amount of years, I want to have this many assets, even if these assets have borrowings on them. So I want you to think and write about those things. Architecture your life. And then in terms of your income as an entrepreneur, I want you to think about, this is the income I need and want to achieve those savings and investment goals and my point of satisfaction. And then in your business, rather than working, working, working, really understand what you're working for. Rather than hustling and working hard, I want you to work smart. Do the same or less work for more reward. And reward, that is impact on yourself, and to those you serve. Working smarter rather than harder is the key to the income and lifestyle. Really dig into, what is my revenue right now? What is my profit right now? What would I need to do to move the needle on my net profit in order to achieve what I want in life? Drill down into that, okay? Because sometimes, you might be able to identify, actually I just need this many clients. Actually, I just need my current clients to be doing something else. Too often, we just move ahead, growing, growing, growing our business, without really focusing on the net profit we need, and taking a bottom-up approach. That means, always looking at the net profit first, and then going up the profit and loss, not down the profit and loss. And if you want any help with these things, you know where to find me, okay? In terms of your income on this sheet that you are writing down on, I want you to think of those things, and I want to give you an example of people who are getting it really right, because success leaves clues. So I have a client who's been with me for so long and him and I caught up recently in my booking practice. We did our annual planning and strategy session, and I found out exactly what's happening in his business and in his life right now. And, he is one of the smartest business operators I have ever met. Let me tell you what he's really good at – he's really good at not growing his business, which in turn stabilises and grows his net profit. He actually looks at his business very analytically. He makes a decision not to do a whole lot of work. He micro niches, which is a great idea all the time, and he architectures his business and his net profit by deliberately doing things to impact revenue, growth, profit, and net profit. And that means that he does not say yes to a whole lot of business. That means that he only has a small but mighty team. A really healthy profit for an entrepreneur and a small business owner usually comes from a small but mighty business that has the ability to regulate capacity with price, work smarter not harder, have a brilliant pricing system, and more. If you're thinking, oh my goodness, I feel like I'm not doing these things and I don't know how to do them, just reach out to me, okay? And I will have a conversation with you, and connect you with the right people, the right resources. My point here is, when you are writing down those income items and you're thinking about that point of satisfaction in the income, the last thing I want you to do is grow your business. I don't want you thinking about that. I want you to grow your net profit, and you can grow your net profit without growing your revenue at all. But, we also need you to grow your time wealth, okay? You can make great money, but you need to make sure that you are getting all the things out of life that the money is intended to do, including that your asset base is where you want it to go. If you need help with any of this, just drop me a line and like I said, I'll have a chat to you, and point you in the right direction. Here's to the new year, and I hope that you move into 2024 excited about the opportunities to come.